Staff Members
Institute für Psychology in Education and Instruction
This page contains contact information for employees of the institute.
Note: When calling us from outside the university, please dial 0251 (city of Münster), 83 for the university and, finally, the 5-digit extension of the person listed below. For international calls to Germany, the country code is +49. Example: +49 251-83 ## ###
Secretaries Offices
Name Contact ( Office Hours Nicole Endendyk nicole.endendyk
Room: 201
Tel.: 3 43 10by appointment vasilisa.arrad
Room: 104
Tel.: 3 43 00by appointment Eveline Hülsheger sekjucks
Raum: 147a
Tel.: 3 94 59Mo-Th 10-12 Verena Otte verena.otte
Room: 145
Tel.: 3 14 01Mo-Th 10-12:30 Faculty / Research Members
Student Assistants
A current list of student Assistant can be found on the pages of the individual work units.