Curriculum Vitae
- 2017 - Master of Science in Psychology (University of Osnabrück)
- Master’s Thesis: “Wirkung von Vorinformationen auf die Erinnerung und das Victim Blaming in Augenzeugenberichten“
- 2016 – Research Internship (University of Otago, New Zealand), Department of Social Psychology
- 2015 - Bachelor of Arts in Business Psychology (Rheinische Fachhochschule Köln)
- Bachelor’s Thesis: “Personalpsychologische Untersuchung zur Mensch-Tier Interaktion. Ein experimentelles Design zum Vergleich der Perzeptionsleistung von affektiven Lauten zwischen Menschen und automatisierten Messsystemen“
- 2011 – Abschluss Berufsausbildung/Apprenticeship Bankkauffrau (IHK/Bausparkasse Schwäbisch Hall AG)
- 2009 - Abitur (Bischöfliche Canisiusschule in Ahaus – Gymnasium)
- Since 09/2020 - Research Assistant at the WWU Münster (Institute for Psychology in Education and Instruction and University Centre of Teacher Education)
- Since 02/2019 – Senior Associate & Project Manager at Institute of Experimental Psychophysiology
- 01/2020-07/2020 – Research Assistant at Rheinische Fachhochschule Köln
- 08/2017-02/2019 – Change Management & Communication Consultant at Devoteam Alegri GmbH
- 05/2015-8/2017 – HR Consultant at Amoria Bond GmbH
- 03/2015-05/2017 - International Travel
- 01/2015-03/2015 – Internship at LVR Klinik Bonn
- 03/2014-03/2015 – Working Student at Rheinische Fachhochschule Köln
- 03/2013-08/2013 – Internship Talent Management & Training (Ferrero MSC, Frankfurt a.M.)
- 08/2012-09/2012 – Internship Human Resource Development (Bausparkasse Schwäbisch Hall AG)
- 01/2012-04/2012 – Bank Clerk, Volksbank Gronau – Ahaus eG
- Since 11/2011 – Freelance/Contract Work (Projectmanagement, Training, Workshops)
- 2017 - Master of Science in Psychology (University of Osnabrück)
Teaching Experience
- “Motivational psychology" (since 2020)
- Project Seminar „Motivation and Educational Research Methods“ (since 2021)
Research Interests
- Personalization of distance learning materials
- Improvement of distance learning materials/environments, especially in digital and online settings
- Improvement of Human-Machine-Interaction by using Social Agency
Academic Articles
Lindhaus, M., Bolin, S., Weßeling, L., Oest, L., & Dutke, S., (under review). Towards the Role of Social Agency in Explaining the Personalization Effect. Frontiers of Psychology, under review.
Horstmann, A. C., Mühl, L., Köppen, L., Lindhaus, M., Storch, D., Bühren, M., ... & Krajewski, J. (2022). Important Preliminary Insights for Designing Successful Communication between a Robotic Learning Assistant and Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder in Germany. Robotics, 11(6), 141.
Horstmann, A. C., Mühl, L., Köppen, L., Mössing, W., Lindhaus, M., Storch, D., ... & Krajewski, J. (2022). AI-Enhanced Communication Between Robots and Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Requirements for a Robotic Learning Assistant.
Bühren, M., Horstmann, A. C., Mühl, L., Köppen, L., Mössing, W., Lindhaus, M., ... & Röttgers, H. R. (2022). Digitale Fördermöglichkeiten für Kinder im autistischen Spektrum: Anforderungsanalyse für eine Online-Plattform und einen Roboter-Lernassistenten zur Unterstützung der autismusspezifischen Verhaltenstherapie.
Daxberger, D., Lindhaus, M., Großmann, I., Krajewski, J., & Schnieder, S. (2020). Controlled trail in senior care homes. Psychophysiological effectiveness evaluation of a chronobiologically adapted light management system. In Empirische Evaluationsmethoden Band 24 Workshop 2019 (p. 19).
Contributions to Conferences
Lindhaus, M., Dutke, S., Scherer, D. (2024). Effekte interdependenter und independenter Personalisierung auf Lernleistung und Social Agency. Presentation presented at 53. DGPs-Kongress, 16. – 19.09.2024 in Wien/Österreich.
Lindhaus, M., Ehlert, M., Fimpler, M., Dutke, S. (2024). Personalizing Text by Using Readers Names – Effects on Learning Performance, Reading Motivation and Social Agency. Poster presented at SSSR, 10. – 13.07.2024 in Kopenhagen/Dänemark.
Lindhaus, M., Bolin, S., Oest, L., Kaetker, L., & Dutke, S. (2023). Failure to find the Personalization Effect: Towards the Role of Social Agency. Presentation presented at DGPs Fachgruppentagung Pädagogische Psychologie, 18. – 20.09.2023 in Kiel.
- Lindhaus, M., Oest, L., Kaetker, L., & Dutke, S. (2022). Messung von Social Agency in schriftlichen Lernmaterialien. Poster shown at 14. Fachtagung Psychologiedidaktik und Evaluation, 27.-28.05.2022 in Münster.
- Lindhaus, M., & Dutke, S. (2022). Optimizing Digital Learning Environments – Improvement of Learning Achievement Using Personalization Effect and Social Agency Theory. Presentation presented at 25. Fachtagung der Gesellschaft für angewandte Wirtschaftspsychologie e.V., 05.-.07.05.2022 in Cologne.