Einführung und Formales


Mathematische Grundlagen

Vorlesung 1: Wahrscheinlichkeitslehre

Vorlesung 2: Schätzverfahren

Herleitung: Cue Integration mit Maximum-Likelihood Schätzer


Praktische Übung: Cue Integration

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Referate (für alle)

Einführungstext: Merging the senses into a robust percept

03.06.2008: Anna Kochanek, Simon Fegers, Julian Breuer, Nina auf der Springe
Humans integrate visual and haptic information in a statistically optimal fashion
Referat "Humans integrate visual and haptic information in a statistically optimal fashion"

10.06.2008: Zeynep-Duygu Öztürk, Lisa Schmidt, Christina Tegeler
Visual-haptic cue weighting is independent of modality-specific attention.

Referat "Visual-haptic cue weighting is independent of modality-specific attention." 

17.06.2008: Birte Schmiedeke, Kerstin Engrich, Aleksey Lysikov, Raphaela Selge
Optimal transsaccadic integration explains distorted spatial perception

23.06.2008: Matthias Allritz, Fee Hoppmann, Rolf Voegler
Fusion of visual and auditory stimuli during saccades: A Bayesian explanation for perisaccadic distortions

30.06.2008: Anna-Theresa Plois, Sina Urbasik, Tina Kaszynski
Weighted linear cue combination with possibly correlated error

08.07.2008: Wiebke Anheier, Simone Theoharova, Marianne Buchholz, Barbara Scheffler
Robust cue integration: a Bayesian model and evidence from cue-conflict studies with stereoscopic and figure cues to slant.