New Issue
Textpraxis Issue # 12 was released on May 1st.
We are pleased to present three new articles in the twelfth issue of Textpraxis. Digital Journal for Philology. In the »Literature and Society« section, Jean Marie Carey (Dunedin) analyzes the polysemic meaning of Franz Marc’s painting in her article »Eyes Be Closed: Franz Marc’s Liegender Hund im Schnee«. In the »Theories of Literary Study« section, Tilmann Köppe and Jan Stühring (Göttingen) expand Genette’s three categories zero focalization, internal and external focalization in their article »Is zero focalization reducible to variable internal and external focalization?«. Köppe and Stühring aim to clearly differentiate those terms. In the »Literary Studies and Praxis« section, Lena Lang (Göttingen) deals with Jelinek’s digital (self-)promotion of ,privacy’ and intimacy as well as publicity and disappearance in her article »Elfriede privat?! Elfriede Jelineks digitale Selbstinszenierung«.
Textpraxis continues to grow. We like to welcome Birte Fritsch, Kerstin Mertenskötter, Levke Teßmann and Elisabeth Zimmermann from the Graduate School Practices of Literature to our editorial board and look forward to working together. At the same time we say goodbye to Constanze Bartsch and thank her for her help and commitment.
We invite you to contribute to already existing and/or new discussions with comments or elaborate replica. All three articles of this issue offer a potential for discussion.