News 2016

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Successful PhD completions

New Alumni in 2016

We would like to cordially congratulate our alumni Seth Berk, Till Huber, Japhet Johnstone, Caroline Kögler, Torsten Leine, Katharina Müller, Markus Nehl, Janneke Schoene and Kerstin Wilhelms on the completion of their doctoral degrees in 2016!

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© Photo-Beagle/

PhD Scholarships: Call for Applications for International Students

Application deadline: 30th of November 2016

In cooperation with the DAAD, the Department of Philology at the Westfälische Wilhelms-University in Münster is offering two scholarships for interested and qualified international doctoral candidates in the area of literary studies starting October 1st 2017. The Graduate School 'Practices of Literature' offers the opportunity to complete your doctorate degree within three years and to prepare for an academic career in university or non-university professions.

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© Uni MS - Peter Grewer

Day of Junior Scientists 2016

September 13 2016 I 14:00 - 21:00 I Schloss Münster

The WWU Graduate Centre cordially invites all doctoral candidates and postdocs to the Day of Junior Scientists in Münster. Its focus will be on the ways and means to support junior scientists in their academic careers.


Call for Articles - TEXTPRAXIS. Digital Journal for Philology - 13th Issue

Articles must be submitted by September 15, 2016

TEXTPRAXIS is seeking articles for its thirteenth issue. If you wish to contribute, please submit your abstracts (max. 500 words) by September 15, 2016.

TEXTPRAXIS publishes articles in literary and cultural studies within the following areas: “Literature and Society,” “Theories of Literary Study,” and “Literary Studies and Praxis.” Articles from any philological discipline are welcome.

All articles published by TEXTPRAXIS are open access and reviewed.

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12th Issue of Textpraxis

Textpraxis Issue # 12 was released on May 1st.
In the »Literature and Society« section, Jean Marie Carey (Dunedin) analyzes the polysemic meaning of Franz Marc’s painting in her article »Eyes Be Closed: Franz Marc’s Liegender Hund im Schnee«. In the »Theories of Literary Study« section, Tilmann Köppe and Jan Stühring (Göttingen) expand Genette’s three categories zero focalization, internal and external focalization in their article »Is zero focalization reducible to variable internal and external focalization?«. Köppe and Stühring aim to clearly differentiate those terms. In the »Literary Studies and Praxis« section, Lena Lang (Göttingen) deals with Jelinek’s digital (self-)promotion of ,privacy’ and intimacy as well as publicity and disappearance in her article »Elfriede privat?! Elfriede Jelineks digitale Selbstinszenierung«.


Perspective Promotion - German sponsorship foundation

Das Rektorat der WWU lädt Promotionsinteressierte und Promovierende, die am Anfang ihrer Dissertation stehen und sich für eine Förderung durch ein Begabtenförderungswerk interessieren, herzlich zu einer Infoveranstaltung im Schloss ein. Die fächerübergreifenden Fördererinstitutionen werden sowohl durch WWU-interne als auch externe Referentinnen und Referenten vorgestellt. Während eines Infocafés und im Anschluss an die Vorstellungen wird die Gelegenheit zum Austausch und zur Vernetzung geboten.

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Call for applications 2016 - apply until 29th of April!

Reaserach Training Programme "Literary Form: History and Culture of Aesthetic Modelling"

Within the framework of the Reaserach Training Programme "Literary Form: History and Culture of Aesthetic Modelling"(RTG 1886/1), funded by the German Research Council, the University of Muenster advertises up to 12 doctoral scholarships.

Funding is to commence on 1 October 2016 and lasts at least 30 months. For further information on the application process please click here.

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New lectures and interviews online at LitFlix

New lectures are available in the online media library LitFlix!
Camilla Damkjaer's lecture in the context of the International Conference "Semiotics of the Circus" in cooperation with Cirque Bouffon and Marjorie Levinson's keynote speach "Lyric: the Idea of This Invention" of the international conference "Literary Form. History and Culture of Aesthetic Modeling" at the WWU are now online at LitFlix, the online media library of the GS PoL and the Research Training Group Literary Form.

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Four visiting fellowships for postgraduates / doctoral candidates from the SFB 1150 “Cultures of Decision-making”

Submit applications no later than March 20th

The Integrated Graduate School of the Collaborative Research Centre/ SFB 1150 “Cultures of Decision-making”, funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) at the University of Muenster since July 1st 2015, is offering four visiting fellowships for postgraduates / doctoral candidates in 2016 for a period of up to six months, starting in April 2016. Please find the announcement here.

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Publication "Crimes of Passion" now available!

Representation of sexual pathology in the early 20th century

Published by two GS PoL members, the publication Crimes of Passion to the corresponding international conference held in Muenster (24 to 26 July 2013) and organised by GS PoL members is now available!