News 2018

© Routledge

Undocumented Migrants in the United States: Life Narratives and Self-representations

Publication | Dr Ina Batzke

Die GSPoL congratulates alumna Dr. Ina Batzke on her publication of her dissertation with Routledge.
By reading the self-representations of undocumented migrants in a range of life narratives published from 2001 to 2016 as both a product of America's changing views on citizenship and membership, and an arena where such views can potentially be challenged, the book interrogates the role such self-representations have played not only in constructing undocumented migrant identities, but also in shaping social borders.

Picture of the publication "Critical Branding"Picture of the publication "Critical Branding"
© Routledge

Critical Branding: Postcolonial Studies and the Market

Publication | Dr Caroline Kögler

The GSPoL congratulates alumna Dr. Caroline Kögler on the publication of her dissertation with Routledge.
Critical Branding: Postcolonial Studies and the Market provides an original answer to what Sarah Brouillette has called postcolonial studies’ ‘longstanding materialist challenge’, illuminating the relationship between what is often broadly called ‘the market’ and the practice and positionality of postcolonial critics and their field, postcolonial studies. Find more information here:

© Riesenweber

Open-Access Workshop with GSPoL Alumna Christina Riesenweber

Publishing in open access || Publishing Options at the WWU Münster

GSPoL Alumna Christina Riesenweber (Open Access consultant FU Berlin, Open-Access-Office Berlin) and ULB representative Elisabeth Sawatzky (Publication Service / Service Point Digitale Dienste) gave an overview of open access options for academics in a GSPoL workshop in June 2018. Find the workshop's summary and further information on publishing services at the University of Münster here:

© Textpraxis

Textpraxis #15 published!

Textpraxis. Digitales Journal for Philology. The Open Access publication of the GSPoL & the WWU's philologies

The fifteenth issue of Textpraxis. Digital Journal for Philology was released on May 1st. In this issue, Jana Wittenzellner presents different conceptions of authorship with regards to the writings of Hildegart Rodriguez. Julian Ingelmann poses the question why the genre short stories dominates German writing forums, while Verena Meis examines parasitic tendencies in Kathrin Rögglas' works.