Die Graduate School Practices of Literature freut sich, einen Workshop mit Frederike Jacob über das Moderieren von Literaturveranstaltungen anzukündigen. Das Angebot richtet sich an Promovierende, Masterstudierende und Lehrende.
Based on their brand-new Palgrave Handbook of Feminist, Queer and Trans Narrative Studies, co-editors Corinna Assmann and Vera Nünning will outline key debates and concepts at the intersection of narrative theory and feminist, queer and trans* theory, and discuss their implications for the study of narrative. Everyone interested is warmly invited to attend!
Prof. Byrd and Prof. Vendrell will focus on printed materials by people whose work has been typically excluded from the mainstream book trade due to gender, sexuality, race, or class—people who have found alternative venues in which to debate and document queer experience and their struggles for freedom. All welcome!