Preparatory course in physics 2024

The Department of Physics of the University of Münster conducts an annual preliminary course for first-year students

The physics pre-course (course no. 116559) will take place in the week from 23.09.2024 to 27.09.2024.


The preparatory course in physics aims at providing freshmen in the Bachelor’s courses in physics (including the programs for becoming physics teachers), geophysics as well as mathematics and computer science with the minor subject physics, with the required background to successfully complete the introductory module “Physics I”. Its purpose is to align the different levels of knowledge of the students. The course consists of a combination of lectures and exercises supervised by tutors. The topics of the course comprise the subjects of the senior classes of German high schools with a particular emphasis on the mathematical methods required for physics.
The preparatory course consists hours of lectures and hours of exercises during 5 days in September. The following schedule is envisaged for 2021:

Schedule 2024

Day ⇒
Mo 23.09.24 Tu 24.09.24 We 25.09.24 Th 26.09.24 Fr 27.09.24
9:15 - 10:45 Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture
11:15 - 12:45 Tutorials Tutorials Tutorials Tutorials Tutorials
14:14 - 15:00 Tutorials Tutorials Tutorials Tutorials  
15:15 - 16:45 Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture  
The preparatory course in physics consists of lectures covering different subjects of physics and in particular the basic mathematical methods needed in physics. In addition to the lectures, exercises will be given to the students which are solved by the participants in small exercise groups under the supervision of tutors. The topics of the lectures and exercises are related to the curriculum of the German high school (Gymnasium) and to the requirements for a successful participation in the lecture Physics I in the bachelor’s course in physics.

Contact person

FAQ: please contact Daniel Greve


The sessions take place in the rooms of the physics department (Wilhelm-Klemm-Straße 9 and 10, 48149 Münster), see site map.

  • all lectures take place in lecture hall 1 (HS 1), IG1, Wilhelm-Klemm-Straße 10
  • exercises take place in various seminar rooms (Wilhelm-Klemm-Straße 9 and 10)

Materials for the pREliminary course 2024

Work sheets

Note: a calculator is required to complete the exercises!

Ex 1

Ex 2

Ex 3

Ex 4

Ex 5

Lecture script (Preliminary course)


Frequently asked questions

  • When and where do I have to show up?
    ... tba
  • Do I have to pay a fee?
    No fees have to be paid, the costs will be covered by the University of Münster and the Department of Physics. Of course, costs for traveling to the University and for lunches you have to pay by yourself.
  • Where can I have lunch?
    In the Mensa am Ring, which is located close by. You will get a certificate of attendance; with this you will have to pay only the students’ price for the meals. (map)
  • Where can I park my car?
    Nearby the Mensa am Ring, in Domagkstr. 62, there is the parking garage Coesfelder Kreuz (map) where free parking is offered.

Further information

Please address any questions to the Dean of the Department of Physics:

Dekanat des Fachbereichs Physik
Vorkurs Physik
Wilhelm-Klemm-Str. 9
48149 Münster