Erasmus partner universities
Erasmus partner universities
© OSM / Berkemeier

The Erasmus Program

In the framework of the Erasmus program the Department of Physics helps students in their third year of the Bachelor’s or first year of the Master’s program in finding a place for a study abroad studieren weltweit (in German). Compared to a self-organized stay abroad the Erasmus program provides both organizational and financial advantages. Erasmus students will be supported in organizational questions by the Erasmus coordinators of both their home and their host university. Furthermore, each Erasmus student obtains a mobility funding and is exempted from tuition fees at the host university.

The long-standing collaboration of the Department of Physics with partner universities in different European countries again simplifies the organization of the stay abroad. In particular, concerning the questions which courses are reasonably taken at the host university and how can these be recognized in Münster, experiences of previous Erasmus students are often helpful.

Partner universities which are regularly cooperating with the Department of Physics include:

Erasmus coordinators:

Furthermore, there are contracts with the universities in (please contact Prof. Dr. A. Kappes):

  • Ankara (METU)
  • Izmir
  • Leiden


In exceptional cases a self-organized Erasmus stay is possible also at other European universities. The Erasmus coordinator can give his advice also in this case.

For geophysics students the partner universities in Nice, Paris-Sud and Madrid are particularly suitable.

Information on applying for an Erasmus place can be found here.

  • Application

    Students who are interested in a stay abroad within the framework of the Erasmus program should contact the responsible Erasmus coordinator at least one year before the start of the planned study abroad. At the Department of Physics this is

    The following registration deadlines should be met:

    • 15.9. Universities Lissabon, Leiden
    • 28.2. for all other partner universities

    (i.e. one or half a year before the planned stay abroad).

    For the registration it is sufficient to submit the completed application form to Mrs. Mayer (Institute of Nuclear Physics, Wilhelm-Klemm-Str. 9, room 222) together with a short letter of motivation (~1 page). Please indicate several desired study locations, since especially the English-speaking universities are in great demand and the coordinators try to make a stay abroad possible for all interested students.

  • Organization of the stay abroad

    Before the stay abroad

    Once you have been accepted for a place at one of the partner universities, you must first complete the University of Münster's internal online application (you will receive the link to this from your coordinator). The completed and printed document is then submitted to the International Office.

    In addition, the Learning Agreement is completed in consultation with the responsible coordinator. The Learning Agreement states which courses will be attended at the host university and to what extent these will be recognized at the home university.

    During the stay abroad

    The date of arrival at the host university must be recorded in the data sheet right at the beginning of the stay abroad. The departure date must also be entered on site shortly before departure. This information is necessary for the payment of the mobility grant.

    Within the first month of the stay abroad, any necessary changes to the courses to be attended should also be entered in the Learning Agreements. This is done in consultation with the local coordinator.

    After the stay abroad

    After submitting your return data to the EU, the EU will ask you to complete an online questionnaire. You will then be informed about this.

    After the stay abroad, the host university will send the Transcript of Records, which documents the academic achievements as part of the Learning Agreement. This must also be submitted to the International Office.

    On the basis of the Learning Agreement and the Transcript of Records, the Dean of Studies of the department can then recognize the coursework and examinations taken.

  • Language courses and other offers

    Even if no language certificate is usually required to apply for a place at a partner university of the Department of Physics, sufficient knowledge of the local language is absolutely essential for everyday life and participation in lectures on site. It is therefore advisable to learn the local language at an early stage or to improve your existing language skills.

    Language courses

    The Language Center in Münster offers language courses for this purpose. In most languages, a C-test is taken at the Language Center before registering for a course to assess the language level. It is also important to note the registration periods for the various language courses, as the Language Center's courses are usually in high demand.

    Tandem program

    Another way to improve your language skills is through so-called tandem programs. Here you will be matched with a tandem partner who is usually a native speaker of the language you are learning and would like to improve their German language skills. Together with your partner, you can then improve your language skills in self-organized meetings. The placement of tandem partners is also offered by the Language Center. Erasmus Münster e. V. also offers the placement of tandem partners.

    Buddy Program

    One of the other services offered by this association is the organization of the Buddy Programme. Here, Erasmus students who are new to Münster are assigned a contact person who can help them with problems during the settling-in phase. This program therefore also offers the opportunity to come into contact with Erasmus students as a buddy before or after your own stay abroad.

    Language courses on site

    The partner university usually offers language courses for Erasmus students during their studies. In addition, some partner universities offer preparatory intensive courses before the start of the academic year.

Partner universities

  • France, Nice: Université de Nice – Sophia Antipolis

    Auch an der Université de Nice gibt es jedes Jahr zwei Austauschplätze für Studierende im dritten oder vierten Studienjahr des Fachbereichs Physik der Universität Münster. Besonders interessant ist dieser Austausch für Studierende mit dem Wahlpflichtbereich Nichtlineare Physik oder Angewandte Physik, da diese Module in Nizza gut abgedeckt werden können.

    Die Universität von Nizza ist auf einem Berg gelegen und kann von der Innenstadt der 350.000 Einwohner zählenden Stadt an der Côte d’Azur in 15 Minuten mit dem Fahrrad oder der neuen Straßenbahn erreicht werden. Ein Studentenwohnheim befindet sich in direkter Campusnähe.

    Vor dem Semesterbeginn wird für Erasmus-Studenten ein kostenloser Sprachkurs angeboten, im Semester gibt es für Interessenten einen kostenpflichtigen Sprachkurs, der dreimal in der Woche abends stattfindet.

    Nice – View of the harbor from Colline de Château
    © Uni MS/Fachbereich Physik
    Nice – Castle on the campus of the fac de science
    © Uni MS/Fachbereich Physik

    Homepage der Uni Nizza:

  • France, Orsay: Université Paris-Saclay

    Der naturwissenschaftliche Teil der Université Paris-Saclay ist auf dem Campus in Orsay, einer Kleinstadt mit ca. 15.000 Einwohnern, 20 km südlich von Paris angesiedelt. Durch eine sehr gute Bahnanbindung mit dem RER B kann die Innenstadt von Paris in 35 Minuten erreicht werden.

    Der nun schon lange erfolgreich stattfindende Austausch zwischen dem Fachbereich Physik der Universität und dem Fachbereich „Physique et Applications“ (Physik und Anwendungen) der Uni Paris-Sud bietet jedes Jahr für bis zu sechs Studierende die Möglichkeit, das dritte Studienjahr in Orsay zu verbringen.

    Für die Zeit des Aufenthalts kann ein Zimmer in einem der drei Studentenwohnheime, die zum Teil direkt auf dem Campus oder sonst in der Nähe liegen, vermittelt werden. Anfang September wird ein einwöchiger Sprachkurs vor Semesterbeginn angeboten. Außerdem können Erasmusstudenten auch während des Semesters an einem Sprachkurs teilnehmen, der einmal pro Woche stattfindet.

    Die Vorlesungen, Übungen und Praktika werden auf Französisch gehalten und decken bis auf das Teilgebiet „Kern- und Teilchenphysik“ das Pflichtprogramm für das 5. und 6. Semester in Münster ab. Ein optionales zweimonatiges Praktikum am Ende des Sommersemesters mit abschließender Präsentation kann als Bachelor-Arbeit angerechnet werden. Inzwischen wird auch ein englischsprachiger  Masterstudiengang angeboten.

    Orsay – Mairie
    © Uni MS/Fachbereich Physik
    Orsay – RER station
    © Uni MS/Fachbereich Physik

    Homepage der Uni Paris-Saclay:
    Homepage des Département de Physique:
    Information brochure for students: link
    Information about the semester, and application dates:

  • Ireland, Dublin: Dublin Institute of Technology

    Im Rahmen des Erasmus-Programms können vier Studierende ein Studienjahr in der irischen Hauptstadt, am 1978 gegründeten Dublin Institute of Technology (DIT) verbringen. Die Veranstaltungen werden auf Englisch gehalten und während des Semesters wird ein Sprachkurs in verschiedenen Niveaus angeboten.

    Die Universität befindet sich im Stadtzentrum von Dublin und ist mit öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln gut zu erreichen. Wohnraum kann nicht über die Universität bezogen werden, auf der Website findet man aber Informationen, wie private Wohnmöglichkeiten gefunden werden können.

    Homepage des DIT:
    Homepage des FB Physik des DIT:

  • Spain, Seville: Universidad de Sevilla

    Sevilla ist mit rund 700.000 Einwohnern die viertgrößte Stadt Spaniens. Durch den bestehenden Austauschvertrag mit der Universidad de Sevilla, der zweitgrößten Universität des Landes, können pro Jahr drei Studierende des Fachbereichs Physik der Universität Münster ihr drittes Studienjahr in der südspanischen Stadt mit stets gutem Wetter verbringen. Die meisten Lehrveranstaltungen werden auf Spanisch gehalten.

    Zusätzlich zu den Vorlesungen und Übungen in Physik findet zweimal in der Woche ein Sprachkurs im Sprachenzentrum statt, welches sich praktischerweise direkt neben dem Physik-Institut befindet.

    Das Semester in Sevilla beginnt Ende September; eine frühere Anreise ist allerdings zu empfehlen, da sich die Erasmus-Studenten selbstständig um eine Unterkunft kümmern müssen. Aufgrund des großen Angebots an WG-Zimmern, sollte sich die Zimmersuche bei rechtzeitigem Beginn aber nicht allzu schwierig gestalten.

    Seville – Main university building
    © Uni MS/Fachbereich Physik
    Seville – Torro del Oro and Guadalquivir
    © Uni MS/Fachbereich Physik

    Homepage der Uni Sevilla:
    Homepage der Physik Fakultät:

    Deutsch-spanischer Doppelabschluss

    Neben dem Erasmus-Austausch besteht die Möglichkeit, einen deutsch-spanischen Doppelabschluss zu erwerben. Im Rahmen des Programms verbringen die Studierenden ihr viertes Studienjahr (1.–2. Master-Semester) in Sevilla und setzen ihr Studium dann in Münster fort. Nach erfolgreichem Abschluss des Master-Studiums in Münster erhalten sie

    • von der Universität Münster den „Master of Science (M. Sc.) in Physik“ und
    • von der Universidad de Sevilla, je nach Vertiefungsrichtung
      • den „Máster Interuniversitario en Física Nuclear“,
      • den „Máster Universitario en Microelectrónica“ oder
      • den „Máster Universitario en Ciencia y Tecnología de Nuevos Materiales“.

PROMOS program for increased mobility of German students


Since 2011, the DAAD has been funding a mobility program that supports shorter stays abroad by German students (up to six months) worldwide. Students at the University of Münster can apply directly to University of Münster for financial support for specific study-related projects abroad.



Requirements for applying for a PROMOS scholarship are:

  • You must be enrolled at the University of Münster (in Bachelor's, Master's, Diplom, Magister, Staatsexamens programs, etc.; students enrolled in a doctoral program can only apply for some program lines; see "Eligible Projects").
  • You must be a German citizen or have the same status as Germans according to § 8 paragraph 1 number 2 ff, paragraph 2, 2a and 3 BAföG.

You may not apply

  • if you receive financial support for your stay abroad from public or private foundations. If you are a scholarship holder of a foundation (also for your studies in Germany), please inquire directly with your scholarship provider whether they would support your stay abroad. Most public and private foundations and organizations for the promotion of gifted students also support study-related projects abroad of their scholarship holders upon application.
  • if you are sponsored through the ERASMUS program.


The complete application documents must be submitted by the following application deadlines (the exact current deadline can be found under link):

  • Mid-October (for projects starting in the period January-June of the following year).
  • Mid-April (for projects starting in the period July-December)

They are to be sent by e-mail in the form of one pdf document to the International Office, Attn: Nicola Heitzler ( In addition, the application documents must be printed out, signed and submitted to the International Office, also attn: Nicola Heitzler.

Within a total funding period of max. 6 months, a combination of several PROMOS scholarships is possible (within one training period or in different training periods).

The scholarship holders are selected after the department has reviewed the documents. Approximately 2 months after the application deadline, applicants will be notified of the result of the selection decision by the International Office.

Detailed information about PROMOS and the required application documents can be found on the pages of the International Office at

Contact person in Department 11: Prof. Dr. Bratschitsch, Institute of Physics


International double degree Münster/Sevilla

Master’s degree in physics in Germany and Spain
Logo Master Double Degree Seville-Münster
© Uni MS/Fachbereich Physik

The working environment for university graduates is becoming increasingly international. Against this background, the importance of university dual degrees is increasing. Students in these programs earn a degree at their home university and at the foreign partner university after studying at both locations. Graduates of international double degrees gain qualifications through experience abroad and an education that is recognized in the partner country. Integrated study at two universities allows a broader range of electives to be offered without extending study time. In addition, students acquire important key competencies such as foreign languages, intercultural competence and flexibility.

University Münster
© Münster Marketing
Universidad de Sevilla
© S. Melcón Pérez

Double degree Physics

The University Münster offers master students of physics an international double degree in cooperation with the Universidad de Sevilla.

Under the program, students spend their first year of study in Seville and then continue their studies in Münster. Upon successful completion of the master's program in Münster, you will receive

  • from the University Münster the "Master of Science (M. Sc.) in Physics" and
  • from the Universidad de Sevilla, depending on the field of specialization
    • the „Máster Interuniversitario en Física Nuclear“,
    • the „Máster Universitario en Ciencia y Tecnología de Nuevos Materiales“ or
    • the „Máster Universitario en Microelectrónica“.

Requirements and contents of the double degree program

The study of the double degree program includes the following achievements and modules:

  1. Acquisition of 60 Credit Points/ECTS at the Universidad de Sevilla in agreement with the responsible coordinators. Of these, at least 30 Credit Points/ECTS from the respective Spanish Master's program in accordance with the "Academic Agreement".
  2. The Master's program at the University Münster includes the following requirements and contents:
  • Specialization and project planning: 30 Credit Points/ECTS
  • Master thesis: 30 Credit Points/ECTS

Double Degree Agreement Münster/Sevilla: General Agreement, Academic Agreement

Application and contact persons

The selection of students admitted to the dual degree program is based on the applicable standards of the home universities, taking into account the following criteria:

  • Previous grade point average in physics studies.
  • Basic knowledge of the Spanish language. English language skills will also be considered. In order to learn the Spanish language, a module "Spanish for Natural Scientists" with 18 Credit Points can be completed as "Interdisciplinary Studies" in the Bachelor's program (B. Sc.) of Physics at the Universität Münster.

For admission to the winter semester, the application (letter of motivation, information on language skills, curriculum vitae in tabular form, proof of academic and examination achievements (Transcript of Record, Bachelor certificate if applicable), desired course of study in Seville (see below)) must be submitted by 28.02. of the same year (e.g. start of studies in Seville in September 2024, submission of application by 28.02.2024). After reviewing the documents, applicants may receive confirmation of acceptance for this program and further information on enrollment at the Universities of Seville and Münster.

Inquiries and applications for this program should be directed to Prof. Dr. Alexander Kappes:, Tel.: +49 251 83-34996.

Support through scholarships

To financially support the students in this program, the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) has approved some scholarships for the stay abroad in the amount of 850 Euro per month for the academic years 2020/2021 to 2023/2024.

Further information:

Status: Feb 2021

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