Where should I go with my questions?

Please have a look at the page Study Guidance.
Please visit also the FAQ-page of the Student Council.

How can I call in sick?

In the event of illness during an examination-relevant performance or during courses requiring attendance, you must report sick immediately and submit the certificate as soon as possible.

Please note that a withdrawal for a "valid reason" can only be recognized if it is "immediately" (meaning "without culpable delay", i.e. as soon as possible)

a) notified (no later than 1 working day after the examination-relevant performance or course requiring attendance) and
b) is made credible (no later than 3 working days after the examination-relevant performance or course requiring attendance).

Credible evidence is provided by submitting a medical certificate. Subsequent submission of medical certificates without advance notice by telephone is otherwise only possible with proof that the delay was not due to fault (prolonged hospitalization with unconsciousness, etc.). If the certificate is submitted by post, the date of the postmark must be clearly legible. The certificate must have been issued at the latest on the day of the examination-relevant performance or course requiring attendance with substantiated proof no later than one day after the missed examination-relevant performance or course requiring attendance.

  1. Examinations
    In the case of examinations (written examinations, oral examinations, deadlines set by the Examinations Office for Bachelor's or Master's theses, etc.), please send notification of illness to the Examinations Office.
  2. Courses requiring attendance
    In the case of courses where attendance is compulsory (e.g. lab classes), please send your sick note to the lecturer responsible.

Can I replace the lectures “Mathematics for Physicists I-III” by lectures from the BSc in Mathematics course program?

Yes, this is possible if you choose Mathematics as the subject of your Interdisciplinary Studies. In this case, the lectures Analysis I and Linear Algebra I (together with the corresponding exercises) replace Mathematics for Physicists I and II and Analysis II with exercises replaces Mathematics for Physicists III.

In addition, you have to study Linear Algebra II including exercises as part of your Interdisciplinary Studies.

For the registration of the mathematics course please contact the respective persons in the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science.

How do I study the “Interdisciplinary Studies” in the BSc in Physics?

Please have a look at the examination regulations. There you will find predefined modules for the subjects Chemistry, German as a Foreign Language, Business Administration, Computer Science, Economics, Geophysics, Philosophy, Spanish, Psychology and Mathematics. You simply choose the respective subject by registering for the courses and exams in the given registration periods.

Examinations can be taken in at most two subjects of the Interdisciplinary Studies.

English cannot be chosen for the Interdisciplinary Studies.

Can I assemble by myself Interdisciplinary Studies for a given subject in BSc or MSc in Physics program?

Yes, this is possible. The rules are specified in the module 25 “Interdisciplinary Studies” in the BSc in Physics and in module 14 “Interdisciplinary Studies” in the MSc in Physics. The individually assembled module has to be reasonably related to the study of physics or it has to provide specific professional qualifications.

You have first to assemble such an individual module in agreement with a responsible person for that module chosen from the respective subject and with the dean of studies. This means that you have to compile a module description according to the sample provided in the examination regulations, which has to include the following details: Your name and matriculation number, the planed courses including hours per week and credit points, the required course achievements and the examinations. This module description has to be signed by the responsible person for the module and the dean of studies. If the module contains foreign language courses this has to be agreed on with the dean of studies prior to registering for these courses at the Language Center of the University.

Can I transfer from the Bachelor’s with two subjects into the BSc in Physics?

This is possible, however you may have to catch up missing parts of the study program. For example, if mathematics is missing, you have to catch up “Mathematics for Physicists I-III”. Furthermore, you have to catch up the “Theoretical Complement to Physics II and III” as well as parts of the laboratory courses.

Can I study the Master’s program in physics after having completed the Bachelor’s with two subjects?

In principle yes, if the second subject has been Mathematics, but not without constraints. The missing parts of the BSc in Physics have to be caught up.

I forgot to register for a written exam. Can I do this afterwards?

No, if the written exam is part of the module examination (which holds for most of the written exams) this is not possible. Without prior registering in the QISPOS system you cannot participate in the exam. A subsequent registering of the results of the exam is also not possible.

Are there exceptions for pregnant women, students with children, students with disabilities?

Please contact the Examinations Office.

The following contact persons at the faculty and the University of Münster can help in various cases:

Pregnant and breastfeeding women: Study program coordinator apl. Prof. Dr. Hartmut Bracht | Email: bracht@uni-muenster.de
Students with disabilities: Dr. Andreas Gorschlüter | Email: pi@uni-muenster.de

Pregnant and breastfeeding students are subject to special regulations for their own protection when handling hazardous substances in the laboratory - for this reason, please contact the lecturer responsible for a laboratory course and the course coordinator in good time!