updated: 15.02.2023
updated: 15.02.2023

Master of Science in Physics

The research-oriented, two-years long Master’s course, which is taught in English, aims at the graduation as a physicist with an top qualification on an international level. It can also be studied within the double degree program with the University of Seville (Spain). Its main goal is the qualification to efficient, independent work at the forefront of physical research or technical innovation in industry. On the one hand, this requires in-depth specialization in various areas of interest, on the other hand the competence to solve highly complex problems in a strategic and practical manner has to be developed. After successful completion of the course of study the degree Master of Science (M.Sc.) in Physics is awarded.

The following graphic depicts the general structure of the study course:

Modules for the Master of Science in Physics



Elective Studies
in Physics
6 - 18 CP (M)

Specialization I
14 - 18 CP (EM)

Specialization II
14 - 18 CP (EM)

12 - 15 (24) CP (EM)


Professional Specialization and Project Design
30 CP (M)


Master's Project
30 CP (M)


M: mandatory module

EM: elective mandatory module

Contents of the Modules

Physical Specialization I and II

During the first year of study the students develop a personal competence profile. To this end, they select two areas of research of the department, in which they will acquire an in-depth knowledge. Possible choices are among the modules Nuclear and Particle Physics, Materials Physics, Nano and Quantum Technologies, Nonlinear Physics, Photonics and Magnonics and Physics of Solid State Nanosystems.

  • Module representatives for the modules Physical Specialization

    Nuclear and Particle Physics Prof. Dr. Jochen Heitger
    Prof. Dr. Christian Klein-Bösing
    Materials Physics Prof. Dr. Gerhard Wilde
    Nano and Quantum Technologies Prof. Dr. Carsten Schuck
    Prof. Dr. Heinrich Arlinghaus
    Nonlinear Physics Prof. Dr. Stefan Linz
    Prof. Dr. Carsten Fallnich
    Photonics and Magnonics Prof. Dr. Sergej Demokritov
    Prof. Dr. Carsten Fallnich
    Physics of Solid State Nanosystems Prof. Dr. Markus Donath
    Prof. Dr. Tilmann Kuhn

Interdisciplinary Studies

The specialization in various branches of physics is supplemented by a module on interdisciplinary studies. This can either be a physics-related module such as, e.g., Geophysics or Molecular Biophysics, or a module from a different subject such as mathematics, computer science, economics, business administration, philosophy or psychology. Students whose mother tongue is not German can choose the module German as a Foreign Language.

Elective Studies in Physics

For the module Elective Studies in Physics individual courses offered by the department of physics can be combined according to the student’s personal interest.

Professional Specialization and Project Design and Master’s Project

The crucial element in the professional training of a prospective physicist is the extensive research phase in the second year of study. It promotes independent scientific work. In this phase the scientific research is inseparably linked with the acquisition of key skills such as project management, team work and the presentation of scientific results.
More detailed module descriptions can be found in the Course Program of the MSc in Physics and in the appendix of the examination regulations of the Master’s course in physics.

Application and Approval Procedure

Applicants with a Bachelor of Science in Physics or a similar degree in physics or in a study course with a high share of experimental and theoretical physics with a grade of at least Satisfactory (“Befriedigend” in the German system) can be admitted to the Master’s course. In case of incomplete equivalence with the BSc course in Physics at the University of Münster, the approval can be granted under the condition to complete additional studies to comply with the requirements.
The application for admission to the Master’s Course in Physics has to be submitted online to the Student Admissions Office of the University of Münster. For applicants from Germany, the EU/EEA, and Non-EU/Non-EEA countries the deadline is 15 September for the winter semester and 15 March for the summer semester.

Online Application for the MSc program

Further Information:

Admissions regulations Master Physics (enrollment starting from winter semester 2024/25, reading version)

Admissions regulations Master Physics (enrollment starting from winter semester 2020/21, reading version)

Examination regulations Master Physics (valid from winter semester 2022/23, reading version)

Examination regulations Master Physics (enrollment starting from winter semester 2020/21, reading version)

Admissions regulations Master Physics (enrollment starting from winter semester 2020/21, reading version)

Examination regulations Master Physics (from winter semester 2016/17, reading version in German)

Admissions regulations Master Physics (from winter semester 2012/13, reading version)

Archive with old examiniation regulations