© C.Thomas

Seismology group at the University of Münster

Seismic structures in the Earth help to understand mantle processes and provide information on mineralogy. Using seismic arrays we are trying to derive high-resolution fine-scale images on mantle structures. We are particularly interested in seismic structures in the Earth's mantle: The D" regions (the lowest 200-300 km of the mantle) the mantle transition zone, and the mid-lower mantle. We also investigate core structures and high-resolution images of volcanic regions.

Some of our current projects are listed here... selected previous projects are given below. For more infomation follow provided links.

Antarctica and Arctic
© CThomas

Seismology in Antarctic and Arctic regions

In a new collaboration with AWI and GEUS, the seismology group in Münster is engaging with seismic observations in Antarctica and Greenland. A seismometer is on its way to the Neumayer station in Antartica. IN a new project we aim to investigate ice dynamics in Arctic regions. Interested students are welcome to talk with us.


D" anisotropy
Differentscenarios Small
© Institut fuer Geophysik

D" anisotropy
The D" reflector at the base of the mantle provides information on mantle dynamics and mineralogy. Post-perovskite can explain a number of D" observations but recently we find that scattering at the base of the mantle causes arrivals that look like reflections from D".
Variable polarity of PdP waves that could point to anisotropy or changes in mineralogy. Using seismic reflections and splitting measurements together, we  find that aligned post-perosvkite explains the observations in several high-velocity regions, while in the large low seismic wave province (LLSVP) beneath the Pacific, bridgmanite seems to explain the measurements better.

For more infomation
For information on scattering in D" see here
More information on D" structure see  here

© C.Thomas

The LASSIE project
The seismic wavefield shows several unusual seismic arrivals that cannot be explained with standard Earth models. In this project, we collect unusual seismic arrivals and try to find the structure(s) that generate them. Recently, we investigtaed two types of PP (and SS) precursors, with slowness values between P and PP (S and SS). Both can be explained with scattering at the source side between 700 and 1400 km depth. Other arrivals are currently being investigated.
For more information see a recent paper.

Upper and Mid-mantle discontinuities
Cartoon V2
© M. Saki

Mantle Transition Zone
Using PP and SS underside reflections of discontinuities in the mid- and lower mantle, we sample different regions of theEarth. In the Atlantic we find evidence for three distinct upellings connected to the Azores, Cape Verdes and Canaries, while around the Caribbean there seems to be evidence for slab-plume interactions. We also map reflectors below the mantle transition zone (at approximately 1000km)and find strong topography. Another field is the detection of anisotropy in the mantle transition zone with PP and SS precursors.
For more information see here

Out-of-plane waves
© F. Rochira

Detection and modelling of out-of-plane reflections
Using seismic arrays, we search for out-of-plane arrivals that reflect at seismic structures in the Earth's mantle away from the great circle path. We find these out-of-plane waves reflecting off deep subducted lithosphere, of the LLSVP beneath the Pacific and from topography of man tle discontinuities. Synthetic modelling is carried out to verify that 3D structure generates out-of-plane waves.
For more information see recent publication or here

Swarm events
Incoming wavefront at 3D array
© Dr. Katrin Hannemann

Vogtland Swarm events
The IDCP project "Drilling the Eger Rift" investigates earthquake swarms and their relation to sub-surface fluid flow in the region of West-Bohemia (CZ) and Vogtland (D). Within this project a 3D array with an aperture of 400 m was installed in the German-Czech border in Landwüst and continously records data with 1 kHz sampling rate. This high sampling is necessary to resolve the seismic wavefield emitted by the nearby (~10 km) source region in Nový Kostel. This project is in collaboration with Uni Potsdam, GFZ Potsdam, Uni Leipzig and LFUG Sachsen.
For  more information see  recent publication and this webpage .

Other current projects

  • Physical properties of deep subducted lithosphere
    Skizze 3d
    © L.Schumacher

    Physical properties of deep subducted lithosphere

    Using waves that travel out-of-plane, we detected structures in the deep mantle, such as subducting lithosphere or dome-like low velocity anomalies in the lower mantle beneath the Pacific. Several regions show clear  out-of-plane reflections and with numerical 3D modelling we now verify the arrivals as reflections off the slab as well as try to study physical properties of the slabs.
    For more information follow the tap below and see the follwing publications: Rochira and Thomas, 2023, Rochira et al., 2022, Schumacher et al., 2016

    People involved:
    Lina Schumacher, Federica Rochira, Angelo Pisconti, Christine Thomas


  • Rotational Seismology
    © R.Abreu

    EARLY (Rotational seismology)

    Rotational Seismology
    Using rotational Seismologie to detect deep Earth seismic arrivals. Using rotation rate and acceleration, we find several events that show ScS and SdS reflections.

    People involved:
    Rafael Abreu, Christine Thomas, Federica Rochira

  • ErUM/3G-GWD


    Gravitational wave detection
    When detecting gravitational waves it is important to know arrival times and waveforms of seismic waves that arrive at the detectors. As seismologists we are involved in the 3rd Generation of GWD project to predict the arrival times of earthquakes using a machine learning approach. To anticipate seismic wave arrivals (time and waveforms) it is important to have a suitable model for the Earth. In ErUM wave we are working on generating Earth models that allow to predict 3D wavefields using machine learning (AI) methods.

    People involved: Alexander Mundt (until 2023), Alexander Kappes (Physics), Christine Thomas and colleagues of the 3G GWD and ErUM wvae projects

  • Inner core with SKP and PKS waves
    © C.Thomas

    Inner core with SKP and PKS waves

    SKP and PKS waves to investigate inner core anisotropy
    PKP waves have been used recently to study the inner core anisotropy. Here we use SKP waves as well as PKS waves that allow to sample the same paths but the waves have one mantle leg as an S-wave. In addition we use array methods to measure the path parameters (slwoness and back azimuth) since path deviations can generate travel time variations. We find path deviations in many arrivals and in comparison with PKP waves we find regions where, despite the same path in the inner core, the travel times of SKP and PKS waves differ from those of PKPdf waves.

    People involved: Samira Hosseini, Christine Thomas, Stuart Russell (form October 2023), in collaboration with Ed Garnero (ASU, USA)

  • dbMISS


    The dbMISS project is conerned with mitigating wind turbine induced noise at seismic stations. Similar to the MISS project before, several groups work on this project funded by "progressNRW" to generate a database that allows to estimate the influence of wind turbine noise at diffreent distances from the WTs. The project in Münster is conerned with generating a map of attenuation of NRW. 

    see also link to dbMISS web site

    People involved: Rafael Abreu (now at IPGParis), Olivier WInkel (until July 2023), Christine Thomas, Nasim Karamzadeh (from Oct 2023) and colleagues at DMT, KIT, RUB, HarbourDon, Geologischer DienstNRW

  • Scattering layer in D": PKP precursors and D" reflections
    © V. Hiemer

    Scattering layer in D": PKP precursors and D" reflections

    Scattering layer in D": PKP precursors and D" reflections
    Inserting a scattering layer near the core-mantle boundary, we tested whether this layer would generate short-period scattered waves as precursors to PKPdf and at the same time generate waves that could be interpreteted as D" reflection. Using 2.5D modelling, we find that D"-like reflections and precursors are indeed generated by the same structure. A parameter study shows that different scattering parameters can influence the resulting waves and it is difficult to find a unique model to explain observations.

    People involved: Vanessa Hiemer, Christine Thomas

Further ongoing projects

Here we list a number of projects that have been ongoing in our group for some time now. Those include the D" region, scattering and mantle discontinuities.

© Institut fuer Geophysik
  • D" reflector (previous and ongoing)

    The D" layer, the lowest 200-300km of the Earth's mantle is bound by a reflector that can be detected with, for example P or S-waves reflecting there (PdP or SdS). While the reflector has been observed in many regions, there are also areas with no visible reflection. Studying the D" reflection PdP and SdS, we find variable amplitudes (indicating lateral changes in velocity contrast across the reflector), polarity variations in PdP-waves but not in SdS waves (which could be explained with anisotropy or mineralogy changes), travel time differences that point to topography of the reflector and more than one reflector in some places. While there have been many studies looking at the lowermost mantle, we are still trying to decipher the mineralogy and dynamics that lead to the structures in D". One possibility to explain a range of the observations is through the post-perovskite phase transition.

    more information on D" structure and post-perovskite

    People involved: Christine Thomas, Angelo Pisconti, Lena Tölle, Laura Cobden (now at U. Utrecht), Stephanie Durand (now at ENS Lyon)

  • D" anisotropy (previous and ongoing)

    The lowermost mantle, the D" region, has been shown to contain seismic strcutures on many length scales. From LLSVP (Large Low Seismic Velocity Provinces) and the D" layer itself, down to ultra-low velocity zones and scattering. Many of these structures are most likely associated with flow in the deep mantle and probing seismic anisotropy could help us to understand the mantle rheology and dynamics. Moreover, a phase transition from perovskite (bridgmanite) to post-perovskite is expected to be the seismic marker of the D" discontinuity. Due to the different rheological behavior of ppv respect to pv, anisotropy in ppv is a good candidate to explain the observed seismic anisotropy in the around the core mantle boundary.

    more information on lower mantle anisotropy

    Prople involved: Christine Thomas, Angelo Pisconti, in collaboration with J. Wookey, U. Bristol; J-M. Kendall, U. Oxford and the CREEP team.

  • Scattering (previous and ongoing)

    Even though the resolution of tomographic studies increases there is a fundamental limit below which structure cannot imaged with tomographic inversions. Especially small-scale heterogeneities can influence the seismic wave field and contribute to the attenuation of seismic waves. Moreover, these small-scale inhomogeneities provide information on dynamic processes and mantle mixing and may be related amongst others to microstructures, melt pockets, or topography of boundary layers.
    While scattering in the crust and from shallow structures manifests itself as coda to seismic waves and crustal scattering may overprint scattering from deeper layers, one region in the Earth can be investigates without crustal influence of scattering: precursors to the core phases such as PKPdf. Since the scattered waves travel along different paths, their travel time is such that they arrive as precursors to PKPdf.

    more information on scattering

    People involved: Christine Thomas, Vanessa Hiemer

  • Physical properties of deep subducted lithosphere (previous and ongoing)

    Slabs of subducted oceanic lithosphere and heterogeneities in the whole mantle express the complex dynamics of the Earth, being an active planet. Since the advent of global and regional tomography, it was clear that the mantle is heterogeneous at different scales (e.g., Dziewonski and Anderson, 1984; Grand, 1997; 2002; Zhao, 2004; Ritsema et al., 2011). Slabs is the mantle have even provided further evidence of plate tectonics active through the geological time (e.g., Anderson and Dziewonski, 1984) and have been correlated to surface geological features to map subduction processes though time and space (e.g., van der Meer et al., 2010; 2018).

    Traditional seismology often assumes that the waves travel through the great circle path in the sagittal plane along sources and receivers. However, several studies have shown that heterogeneities can laterally deviate the path of waves, thus arriving with different angles (out-of-plane) at an array of sensors. This hypothesis has been tested with both observations (e.g., Rost et al., 2008; Schumacher et al., 2016, 2018; Weber and Wicks, 1996) and modelling, though the latter is still at a preliminary stage, but it had provided precious hints on “how and where to look” (i.e., Schumacher et al., 2016). In this project, we push this approach further and we use 3D waveform modelling of slabs in the mantle to analyze seismic signals across arrays of sensors. We use array seismology (see Rost and Thomas, 2002 for a review) to detect and inspect these additional signals. Complexities in the slabs, such shape, thickness (i.e., age), topography, internal layering (MORB crust + lithospheric mantle) and orientation are tested. Furthermore, Large Low Seismic Velocity Provinces (LLSVPs) will be modelled to better evaluate their impact on the generation of out-of-plane signals from deep in the mantle. This approach will help us to better understand and constrain physical properties of the heterogeneous mantle, by looking from a “different angle”. (Angelo Pisconti )

    People involved:

    Angelo Pisconti, Lina Schumacher, Christine Thomas

  • Upper mantle transition zone (previous and ongoing)

    The Earth's mantle is divided into a upper and lower mantle by the mantle transition zone (MTZ), a region that stretches from a depth of 410 km to 660 km. The structure of MTZ has been investigated with several seismic waves. Seismic reflectors at ~410 km and at ~660 km appear as globally distributed seismic discontinuities. We investigate the topography of mantle discontinuities at 410 km depth, 660km depth but also deeper in the mantle (~1000km depth) and try to explain the topography with temperature, mineralogy and/or mantle dynamics. In addition, using results from mineral physics, we try to measure anisotropy in the MTZ, using reflected waves (PP and SS precursors).

    more information on the MTZ

    People involved: Morvarid Saki, Christine Thomas, Carmen Sanchez-Valle (Mineralogy), Sébastien Merkel (U. Lille), Stephan Lessing, Laura Cobden (now at U. Utrecht), Angelo Pisconti, Anne-Sophie Reisss (now at Dr Donié)

Previous projects

Here we list a number of previous projects. More information on DFG funded projects from the seismology group can also be found on the DFG GEPRIS site.

© C.Thomas, A. Pisconti
  • TIMEleSS

    Phase TransformatIons, MicrostructurEs, and their Seismic Signals from the Earth's mantle

    The TIMEleSS project aims at studying interfaces in the Earth’s mantle combining observations from seismology, mineral physics experiments, microstructures, and wave propagation modeling. It is supported through a bilateral grant, from the ANR in France and the DFG in Germany. The project is led by Sébastien Merkel and Nadège Hilairet at the Université de Lille, Christine Thomas and Carmen Sanchez-Valle from the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität, Münster, and Sergio Speziale from the Deutsche GeoForschungsZentrum, Potsdam

    more information on the TIMEleSS project

  • RHUM-RUM project


    As part of the RHUM-RUM project (Réunion Hotspot and Upper Mantle – Réunions Unterer Mantel) we investigate the upwelling plume beneath the volcano Piton de la Fournaise, located on the island La Réunion in the Indian Ocean 800 km east of Madagascar, from the upper mantle down to the core-mantle boundary. We use teleseismic events, where the distance between the earthquake the recording array is between 80 and 180 deg.  Because of the sparse distribution of stations on and around La Réunion, we do not use direct P- or S-waves but the PP/SS phase, which is reflected once off the surface in the midway between source and receiver. Most of the sensitivity of this phase is concentrated at the reflection point and therefore provides information around this area and can be located both on continents and in the oceans.

    more information on the RHUM-RUM project

  • MISS Project

    MISS - Minderung der Störwirkung von Windenergieanlagen auf seismologische Stationen

    Seismologische Stationen registrieren Erdbeben und ermöglichen das Warnen der Bevölkerung. Erderschütterungen, die von Windenergieanlagen ausgehen, können diese Stationen in  ihrer Funktion stören. Große Schutzradien um die zahlreichen seismologischen Stationen in NRW hindern den klimapolitisch gewünschten Ausbau der Windenergienutzung. Das Vorhaben MISS versucht durch die Entwicklung von Prognosewerkzeugen und durch Maßnahmen am Entstehungsort der Erschütterungen, auf dem Ausbreitungsweg und an den Stationen die Störwirkung zu reduzieren und ein friedliches Nebeneinander zu ermöglichen.

    more information on the MISS project

  • High-resolution mapping of volcanic areas

    The main problem when dealing with high-frequency volcanic seismic recordings is that we are rarely able to discriminate phases other than P- (compressional) and, with much more difficulty, S-waves (transverse) from "random-like" phases acting at later lapse times (Figure 1). This means that we cannot exactly relate a seismic phase to a given interface at depth, since the phases themselves appear randomly during the entire seismogram. In addition, the ray-approximation breaks in a highly heterogeneous region, due to strong multiple scattering, which a large redistribution of the body-wave energy at later times with respect to the source nucleation time.

    Prof. Dr. Luca de Siena, (now at Mainz, Bologna)

    More information on volcano mapping

Seismology-Mineral physics short course for PhD students:

Together with Hauke Marquardt (then BGI, now Oxford), Laura Cobden (now Univ. Utrecht) and the Institute of mineralogy in Münster, we held  short courses for mineral phasics and seismology PhD and MSc students and Postdocs, to understand each other's discipline better and gain some experience with the methods.
First course in Münster 2016
Second course in Bayreuth 2017


Um zu erkennen, "was die Welt im Innersten zusammenhält ..."
(Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)