
Runa Kl
© Inst. f. Geophysik

New arrivals:
Dr. Runa van Tent started on April 1st.

Kika Phd
© Inst. f Geophysik

Federica Rochira has successfully defended her PhD on June 6th 2024. Congratulations!

New papers

Saki, M., Wirp, S.A., Billen, M.I., Thomas, C., 2024. Evidence for entrainment of rising plumes in subducting slab induced flow in three subduction zones surrounding the Caribbean Plate, Phys. Earth Planet. Int., accepted.

Magali, J.K., Ledoux, E., Thomas, C., Capdeville, Y., Merkel, S., 2024. Pressure-dependent large-scale seismic anisotropy induced by non-Newtonian mantle flow. Geophys. J. Int., accepted.

Russell, S., Irving, J.C.E., Myhill, R. et al. The emerging picture of a complex core-mantle boundary. Nat Commun 15, 4569 (2024).

| DeepDyn
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New BMBF project
Katrin Hannemann got a new project for a Postdoc funded by the BMBF where she will investigate the subsurface in the region of the planned Einstein telescope for gravitaional wave detection.


July 2024

Julia has defended her Bachelor thesis

Tine went to the Martinum in Emsdetten to introduce Geophysics as a field for studying

June 2024

All deep Earth people of the seismo group met in Massachusettes for the 2024 SEDI meeting.

Tine and Lena went to the Ratsgymnasium to present the field of Geophysics to 8th graders. They wrote a little piece for their school website: Geophysik am Ratsgymnasium

New Project for Katrin: Katrin Hannemann got a new project for a Postdoc funded by the BMBF where she will investigate the subsurface in the region of the planned Einstein telescope for gravitaional wave detection.

Hannah has defended her Bachelor thesis

Ebru Bozdag (Colorado Scool of Mines, USA) is visting the seismology group

Federica Rochira has successfully defended her PhD on the 6th of June 2024. Congratulations Dr. Federica!

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Prof Sebastian Rost (U. Leeds, UK) is visting the seismology group.

Mai 2024: Seismologists at archery - and bbq afterwards


Prof Stéphane Rondenay (U. Bergen, Norway) is visting the seismology group from 31.5.-2.2.2024.

Dr Ricardo Ramalho (U. Cardiff) is visiting the Institute on Tuesday 14.5.2024.

Carl Martin (U. Utrecht) is visting the Institute and will give a talk on tuesday 15:00 in Geo315.

A new DFG Project has been funded (HYPO_TZ 2), with 12 Months postdoc for Univ. Münster and 3 years PhD for LMU.

April 2024: Tine has been invited as Ahrens Lecturer at Caltech and spend one week there.

Runa van Tent started as new Postdoc in the Seismology group.

Jochen Veerman (Utrecht) is visiting the seismology group.

Severals talks and posters from the seismology group are presented at EGU2024 in Vienna.

March 2024: We started a new collaboration with Tanja Fromm (AWI) and two new BSc Students (Florian and Charlotte) will visit AWI as part of this collaboration.

Federica has submitted her PhD thesis.

February 2024: The first in person meeting fo the ErUM collaboration took place at the Insitute of Geophysics in Münster.


December, 2023: Tine is now director of the Insitute

November, 2023: Kick-off meeting for DeepDyn in Tutzing (Tine, Harini and Lena). We presented the project, and Harini was elected as early career representative to the steering committee of DeepDyn.

October 2023: We have three new group members: We welcome Nasim Karamzadeh, Harini Thiyagarajan, and Stuart Russell.

Lena Tölle has started her MSc thesis in the seismology group.

July 2023. Dr. Katrin Hannemann delivered a lecture titled "Receiver Functions and P wave apparent incidence angles" at the "International training course on ocean bottom and amphibian experiment seismological data", organized by the scientific advisory board of the German Instrument Pool for Amphibian Seismology (DEPAS), held in Potsdam at the German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ) from July 12 to July 14, 2023.

Prof Dr Sebastian Rost (Leeds, U.K.) vistited the seismology group.

© A-S Reiss

Vanessa Hiemer has succcessfully defended her PhD on the 5th of July 2023. Her degree will be awarded on the 14th of July. Congratulations





June 2023: Practicing seismometer installations (Seismology 1 and PhD/Postdocs)

June 2023: 2 projects are funded in the DeepDyn SPP, one of those in the seismology group (collaboration of C. Thomas and J.R.R.Ritter(KIT))

© Inst. f Geophysik

May 2023: Dr. John Keith Magali joined the seismology group and will work on the LASSIE project. He was at University of Lille as Postdoc and before as PhD student at ENS Lyon.

April 2023: Stuart Russell (Cambridge, U.K.) visited the institute for collaboration

March 2023: Dr. Ye Yuan (Aaron) has joined the Lassie Project. Before this he was already in Münster on  a DAAD-CSC scholarship

Prof Jennifer Jackon (Caltech) visited the insitute for a collaboration meeting.

Together with the Uni. Hamburg we deployed seismometers in DESY. These include the two rotational seismometers of the UHH and Uni. Münster.

Dr. Björn Heyn (CEED, Oslo, Norway) and Florence Ramirez visited the Institute. Björn and Tine worked on publishing part of Björn's MSc thesis on source array stacks with Geoscope stations

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February 2023: Dr. Rafael Abreu has taken up his CNRS position at the IPGP in Paris. We wish him all the best for the future.

January 2023: New project funded in BMBF consortium ErUM software and algorithms. Together with Prof A. Kappes (Particle physics, Münster) we have two positions in ErUM wave.

For previous seismo news (before 2023) follow this link