Group of Lange and Ackemann
Nonlinear optics and quantum optics
Institute of Applied Physics
WWU Münster

Current projects
Optical pattern
lasers (VCSELs)
Nonlinear beam
Discontinued projects

Formation of periodic and quasiperiodic optical patterns


Periodic planar patterns have a translational symmetry and an N-fold discrete rotational symmetry with N=2,3,4 or 6. The typical structures, stripes, rhombi, squares and hexagons, have been investigated in dissipative systems for several years. N-fold rotational symmetries with N=5 or N>6 are incompatible with translational symmetry. Therefore the corresponding structures are not periodic, but quasiperiodic. These quasipatterns have been predicted to occur in a large variety of dissipative systems with initial O(2) symmetry. Their general properties have been the subject of considerable theoretical interest.

Experimental evidence, however, has been limited to the Faraday experiment, i.e. to a parametrically excited hydrodynamical system. In the Faraday system, however, their observation has been restricted to a fairly special situation, close to a codimension-two point. Furthermore, quasipatterns have been observed in optical systems upon which a discrete rotational symmetry was imposed externally.

In our group, the formation of quasipatterns in an optical system with continuous  rotational symmetry is investigated. The experimental system is built from a nonlinear medium and a single mirror. The nonlinear medium is sodium vapor in a buffer gas atmosphere (nitrogen) which is contained in a heated cell. The medium is irradiated by the carefully spatially cleaned Gaussian output beam of a dye laser which is tuned to a frequency slightly above the frequency of the sodium D1-line. The light is circularly polarized and represents sigma-plus-light with respect to the quantization axis defined by a weak longitudinal magnetic field. The transmitted light is fed back into the medium by a single plane mirror placed at a distance d of about 80 mm to 150 mm behind the medium. Within the feedback loop there is also a quarter-wave plate which inverts the helicity of the circular polarization so that the polarization of the feedback beam has a circular polarization opposite to the one of the  input beam. This changes the saturation characteristics such that rather wide patterns can be obtained.

Transverse profile
of the laser beam
Fundamental Modes
12-fold Quasipattern

In this system we observe twelvefold quasiperiodic structures. These quasipatterns arise from a primary hexagonal structure. In dependence on the experimental parameters the bifurcation can be sub- or supercritical. In the supercritical case, the transition is mediated by a new kind of patterns with different amplitudes in its fundamental modes. It has been proven by an optical Fourier filtering technique that the observed quasipatterns can only exist in the presence of harmonics of the fundamental unstable modes.


Superlattices are  patterns which are more complex than the 'simple' periodic patterns (stripes, squares, hexagons) but - in contrast to the quasipatterns - preserve the periodicity. They contain multiple length scales, e.g. small elementary cells, which already display some symmetry and order, and which are repeated periodically, see the example:

Very little is known about the properties of spontaneously generated superlattices. The possibility of their existence and their classification follows from group theoretic arguments (see references for more information). In rotational symmetric systems they were recently observed in the Faraday instability and in our system.
Investigations of the linear stability properties of the large-amplitude hexagonal solution are carried out in collaboration with Dr. P. Colet (IMEDEA; Palma de Mallorca, Spain) and Dr. D. Gomila (University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland).

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AG Lange & Ackemann
Institut für Angewandte Physik · Universität Münster Corrensstr. 2/4 · 48149 Münster