Gender Equality Training

From unconscious gender bias to gender mainstreaming – A practical workshop to understand gender issues in science and to deal with gender issues on a daily basis

Gender equality is a cross-cutting task affecting all areas of gender opportunities and gender justice. This also applies to scientific institutions and research groups. The realization that no organization per se is gender-neutral leads to the responsibility of group leaders to address gender issues in research teams, to implement gender equality behavior and to provide practical guidance to the employees. Gender awareness can be trained. It is the basis to comply with gender equality guidelines. Awareness involves a change of attitudes, which in turn has a positive effect on the group climate and interactions of all participants, as well as a more efficient dealing with questions of gender equality.

The Gender Equality Training is designed to motivate and initiate gender equality in research teams, and uses exercises and practical examples to develop various possibilities for action together with the participants. The two-day course bases on the personal experiences of the participants and explains the scientific background of gender research. In addition, it informs about standards on gender equality in public institutions and translates them into everyday actions and measures. It provides participants with the necessary knowledge and ethical understanding as well as practical skills to develop and implement effective gender equality promotion plans and measures appropriate to specific circumstances.

In the course the participants will learn to

  • identify gender inequalities and problems in their departmet,
  • analyze gender-related programs and activities,
  • implement gender-appropriate acting in research teams, as well as
  • develop, accompany and evaluate gender equality measures.

The course is divided into four modules and is twelve hours long across two days. All modules include learning phases, active participation with different methods and practical examples.

Prof. Dr. Cornelia Denz
Working group Nonlinear Photonics / Gender in Physics
Institute of Applied Physics, Usniversity of Münster
Phone: 0251/8333517 (-18)