Künstlerdorf Schöppingen
Künstlerdorf Schöppingen

Social-ecological transformation in the living lab Künstlerdorf Schöppingen

  • Ecosystem Künstlerdorf - Learning from Nature

    The project begun as an accompanying research of the institutional socio-ecological transformation process of the residency program of the Foundation Künstlerdorf Schöppingen. This process aimed to be inspired by permaculture in order to create a way for fair and sustainable coexistence within the Künstlerdorf community and with the local citizens.

    The ethical principles of permaculture are: 'Earthcare', 'Peoplecare', 'Fair shares'. In addition, there are the design principles such as 'Obtain a Yield', 'Integrate rather than segregate', 'Use and value edges and the marginal', 'Use and value diversity', 'Observe and interact', 'Creatively use and respond to change', 'Apply self-regulation and accept feedback', 'Use small and slow solutions'... these can be understood for any type of relationships in communities of humans and more than humans (see photo banner on this page).

    In a joint research process, Cornelia Steinhäuser explored the understanding of sustainability lived in the Künstlerdorf and the activities initiated for this purpose through intensive field observation from a landscape ecology-ethnographic perspective. And at the same time, Jakob Kreß undertook a field study and a social-ecological mapping of the Künstlerdorf as a real-world laboratory as part of his social science bachelor's thesis. The exploration and evaluation of the 'experimental setting living lab' then took place, in addition to the continued accompanying research, through an interdisciplinary course: the research and project seminar: 'Subtle Networks: The Künstlerdorf Schöppingen as a transformative living lab'. Further 'real experiments' were undertaken, such as co-designing the exchange with citizens on the perception of and possible collaborations with the Künstlerdorf at a 'Vision day' and a 'Discussion forum', as well as the exploration of visible and invisible networking between the people of the Künstlerdorf and Schöppingen through water and their representation on water connection maps.

    In the meantime, the project has grown, developed in an interdisciplinary manner together with the Arbeitskreis Gemeinschafts- und Nachhaltigkeitsforschung, won the Citizen Science Prize of the University of Münster and, above all, has led to a deep process of mutual learning by everyone involved. This is currently being deepened with the "Making Worlds" program for 2024.

    Responsible for the project in the Working Group Ecological Planning: Dr. Cornelia Steinhäuser

    Term: May 2022 - December 2024

  • Partner


  • Publications


    Steinhäuser, Cornelia (2022). Begegnungen mit Mensch und Natur im Künstlerdorf Schöppingen: Socializing with people and nature at the Künstlerdorf. In Julia Haarman (Ed.), Ecosystem Künstlerdorf (pp. 21–41). Stiftung Künstlerdorf Schöppingen.

    Cornelia Steinhäuser (2023). Blogeintrag im ZIN-Blog Nach(haltig)-gedacht. Click here to see the german version on the website.

    Hoffmann, J., Kreß, J., Haarmann, J. und Steinhäuser, C. (2023) Transformationen im Münsterland gemeinsam anstoßen. Erster Visionstag mit Interesse angenommen. (unveröffentlichter Erfahrungsbericht)

    Nolte, N.; Steinhäuser, C. (2023): Nachhaltige Veränderungen gemeinsam anstoßen. Künstlerdorf Schöppingen, Bürger*innen und die Wissenschaft. Münsterland Magazine 3/23.


    Steinhäuser, C., Kreß, J., Leggatt, O., Wälde, P. und Haarmann, J.: "Nachhaltige und gerechte Transformation im Münsterland gemeinsam anstoßen". Posteraustellung im Rahmen des Campus Earth Day der Universität Münster, 13.10.2023.


    Steinhäuser, C. (2023). Von artistic research zu kreativen Methoden der Geographie: Künstlerisch-performative Zugänge zu Raum. Deutscher Kongress für Geographie. Goethe Universität Frankfurt am Main, 22. September, Frankfurt am Main.

    Steinhäuser, C. (2023). "An artist's residency as an actor of social-ecological sustainability in the rural environment". Vortrag auf dem 30th Colloquium of the Comission on the Sustainability of Rural Systems (CSRS). International Geographical Union (IGU), Lodz, Polen, 06.06.2023.

  • Courses and Theses


    Kreß, J. (2022): Das ,Künstlerdorf Schöppingen’ als Reallabor: Erkundungen einer sozial-ökologischen Transformation im Kulturbetrieb (unveröffentlichte Bachelorarbeit)

    Leggatt, O. (Provisional Titel: How do people experience a relationship to spatial and time scales through the meaning of water?)



    Sommersemester 2024:
    Projektpraktikum: Making Maps - Making Worlds: Eine StoryMap zum Wasser in und um Schöppingen

    Wintersemester 2023/24:
    Hydrogeologische und landschaftsökologische Exkursion zu den Schöppinger Quellen.

    Interdisziplinäres Forschungs- und Projektseminar: Subtile Vernetzungen: Das Künstlerdorf Schöppingen als transformatives Reallabor (Leitung: Cornelia Steinhäuser, Jessica Hoffmann, Jakob Kreß)

  • Photos

    © O. Leggatt
    © O. Leggatt
    © C. Steinhäuser
    © C. Steinhäuser