Setup of Java and the Browser for the Usage of SAP

For SAP to work without problems in the browser (Internet Explorer or Firefox), you first have to carry out the following settings: 


Open the control panel via "Start" and "Control panel".
Enter "Java" in the Searchbar on the top right. After a brief time the Java-Symbol will show up, which you can then click.

The Java control panel opens. There you switch to "Security". If in the list of exceptions you cannot find the entry, click on "Edit Sitelist...".

Click on "Add" and enter Afterwards, close the window by clicking "OK". Close the Java Control Panel with "OK".

Internet Explorer

In the Internet Explorer, click on the symbol for settings on the top right and afterwards on "Internetoptions".

Change to the tab "Dataprotection" and click on "Settings" of the pop-up blocker.

If the entry is missing in the list of accepted websites, enter in the line above and click afterwards on "Add". Close all windows by clicking on "Close" or "OK".

Mozilla Firefox

Click on the top right on the symbol for settings and afterwards on "Settings".

Switch to "Privacy and Security" on the left.

Scroll down until you reach "Permissions". Click on "Exceptions" next to the "Block pop-up window" field.

If the entry is not in the list, enter yourself and click afterwards on "Permission". Close all windows by clicking on "Close" or "OK".


1. Open Chrome. Navigate to "Settings" on the right top and click on it.Öffnen Sie Chrome.

2. In the settings, open the column on the top left, click first on "Extension" and then on "Data protection and security".

3. Scroll down until you can find the tab "System". There click on "Open Proxy-Settings". Click on it.

4. Under "Dataprotection" and "Popupblocker, choose "Settings".

5. Enter to the list of websites to be approved, if that has not happened yet.

6. Close everything by pressing "Close" and "Ok".


Open Edge. Navigate to the symbol of three points on the right top and click on "Settings".

Scroll down and click on "Show Advanced Settings".

Flip the switch at "Block popups". Note: It is not possible to set exceptions in Edge, which is why you have to allow/block popups for every website in general. If you don't want that, please use another browser where it is possible, e.g. Internet Explorer.