Tips for choosing passwords
General Information
Every user needs a password for their identification. We recommend using letters and numbers for security reasons. Permitted characters are a-z, A-Z, 0-9, $, and _. The password must contain at least 8 characters. Passwords that only consist of letters or even known words or names are not safe enough and therefore not allowed.
See also: Safe Passwordchoice (German)
Please change your password regularly. After one year has passed, your password will be invalid in the Domain of NWZ, if you have not changed it earlier. You can then only log in after changing the old password.
Changing of Password via myNWZ
Normally, this is the way to go.On the website myNWZ you can change your passwords for all computers connected to the user administration of WWU IT. There, you have to indicate your old and desired new central standardpassword to automatically have the new password set for all computersystems of the university, including the NWZ.
Changing of Password under Windows
We recommend not using this way. In principle, you can use in the NWZ another password as your central standardpassword. For this you have to change your password under Windows with CTRL, ALT, DEL -> "Change Password". This process changes your password in the NWZ, your central standardpassword remains untouched, so that you afterwards have two different passwords.