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is available for the following platforms: 

  •  Windows

    1. Citrix
      You can use QtiPlot via the terminal server nwzCitrix.
    2. SCCM
      For installing software, please consult your local IT administrator.

  •  macOS

    For installing software, please consult your responsible IT administrator.

  •  Linux

    For installing software, please consult your responsible IT administrator.

QtiPlot is a program for analyzing and visualizing data. It works similarly to the Origin program, for example. QtiPlot can be used to display 2D and 3D data and has various data analysis functions, such as curve fitting. Interpolation of the data can be done with linear and non-linear functions. In addition to the English menu guidance, a German one can also be installed.

More information on QtiPlot can be found here.

For installing software, please consult your local IT administrator.