Software list
Here you will find an overview of the software available in the IVV Natural Sciences, sorted by category.
This software may be available on one or more operating systems (Lin, Mac, Win) and can be run immediately, has to be installed by the IT administrator first or is also available from other systems and sites via Citrix.
Commercial software is only licensed for use on WWU systems, in the subject and associated areas involved in the IVV Natural Sciences, by its employees and students. Please contact your IT administrator if you have any questions.
IT administrators will find an overview of the expiration dates of the software contracts of the IVV Naturwissen on this web page. This does not include contracts signed by the university (e.g. Adobe or Microsoft) via WWU-IT or contracts signed by the IVV, a department, institute or working group/circle with special funding (e.g. Comsol Multiphysics, PyMol, Snapgene).
License management in the NWZ is done under Windows and macOS via the software KeyAccess, for which you can find further information under the following links: Windows, macOS.
Software, which you can install on your own computers as students, employees of these departments, if necessary within the scope of a so-called home use, can be found in the offer under NWZ@Home -> Software.
Operating System Platform Linux Mac Windows Provision Type NFS Puppet manually Citrix DFS manually SCCM DNASTAR x x x BioEdit x x Chromas x x Clustal x x GeneDoc x x MaxQuant x x MEGA 6 x x x Paub Star 4.0b10 x x x Phylip x x x x PyMOL x x x x RASMOL x x x Seaview x x x x TreeDyn x x x x TreePuzzle x x x x VMD x x x x Chemistry
Operating System Platform Linux Mac Windows Provision Type NFS Puppet manually Citrix DFS manually SCCM ChemDraw x x x Diamond 3 x x Diamond 4 x x GaussView 5.09 x x x x MNova x x x x Nuts x x Periodic Table of the Elements x x x x SpinWorks x x x Data Analysis
Betriebssystem/Operating System Linux Mac Windows
Bereitstellungsart/Deployment TypeNFS Puppet manuell Citrix DFS manuell SCCM Anaconda x Comsol x Origin x x Easyplot 4 x x Engauge Digitizer x x x x GNUplot x x x QTIPlot x x x x Grapher 5 x x GraphPad Prism 3 x x IgorPro 6 x x x MEGA 11 x Miniconda x PyMOL x Sigmaplot 12.5 x x SPSS x x x x Surfer 10 x x Tracker Project x Graphics
Betriebssystem/Operating System Linux Mac Windows
Bereitstellungsart/Deployment TypeNFS Puppet manuell Citrix DFS manuell SCCM Adobe Design and Web Premium CS6 x x Affinity Photo x Affinity Designer x Affinity Publisher x AutoCAD CFD x AutoCAD Electrical x AutoCAD Mechanical x AutoCAD Plant 3D x Autodesk Inventor Pro x Autodesk Inventor CAM x Autodesk Inventor HSM x Autodesk PDSU 2017 x x Autodesk Eagle free x x x GIMP x x x x x ImageJ x x x x ImageMagick x Inkscape x Irfanview x x x x x CorelDraw Graphics Suite x Corel Painter x x x Corel Paintshop Pro x x Corel VideoStudio x x PhotoLine x x x Internet
Betriebssystem/Operating System Linux Mac Windows
Bereitstellungsart/Deployment TypeNFS Puppet manuell Citrix DFS manuell SCCM PuTTY x x x x Mozilla Firefox ESR x x x x Google Chrome for Enterprise x x x x Filezilla x x x x x Mozilla Thunderbird x x x x Mattermost x WinSCP x x x Mathematics
Betriebssystem/Operating System Linux Mac Windows
Bereitstellungsart/Deployment TypeNFS Puppet manuell Citrix DFS manuell SCCM Maple 2016 x x MathType 6.7a x x x MathCAD 13 x x MATLAB x x x x x Wolfram Mathematica 11.2 x x Office
Betriebssystem/Operating System Linux Mac Windows Bereitstellungsart/Deployment Type NFS Puppet manuell Citrix DFS manuell SCCM Adobe Acrobat 2017 classic x x x Adobe Acrobat Reader x x Citavi x x Endnote x x x LibreOffice x x x x x Mendeley Desktop x Microsoft Office 2019 x x x Microsoft Project 2019 x x x Microsoft Visio 2019 x x x Programming
Betriebssystem/Operating System Linux Mac Windows
Bereitstellungsart/Deployment TypeNFS Puppet manuell Citrix DFS manuell SCCM Fortran IDE x x GNU gcc x x National Instruments LabVIEW x x x x Microsoft Visual Studio Code x Microsoft Visual Studio x x x GNU gfortran x x Intel C++ 12.0 (IA32) x x Intel C++ 12.0 (Intel64) x x Intel Fortran (IA32) x x Intel Fortran (Intel64) x x MorfeusConsole x x RStudio - Open Source Edition x R x TeX
Betriebssystem/Operating System Linux Mac Windows Bereitstellungsart/Deployment Type NFS Puppet manuell Citrix DFS manuell SCCM TeX-Befehlszeile x x TexMaker x x TeXWorks x x Windvi x x Winedt x x WinTeXshell x x ZIV - Tex Anleitung x x Tools
Betriebssystem/Operating System Linux Mac Windows Bereitstellungsart/Deployment Type NFS Puppet manuell Citrix DFS manuell SCCM AnyBurn x Cryptomator x eDrawings 2018 x x x Emacs x x x x x 7zip x x x x Greenshot x Ghostscript x x x GSView x x x x KeepassXC x Phase 5 HTML Editor x x VLC Player x x x x Xemacs x x x x Notepad++ x x PDF24 Creator x x Python 2.7 x x Python 3.7 x Sciebo x SumatraPDF x WinDirStat x Zoom x System
Betriebssystem/Operating System Linux Mac Windows Bereitstellungsart/Deployment Type NFS Puppet manuell Citrix DFS manuell SCCM eToken x Sophos Endpoint Security x OpenJRE x OpenVPN x KeyAccess K2 Client x Citrix Workspace App x Visual C++ 2008-2019 x WWU Schriftarten x