Engauge Digitizer

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is available for the following platforms: 

  •  Windows

    1. Citrix
      You can use Engauge Digitizer via the terminal server nwzCitrix.
    2. DFS
      You can open Engauge Digitizer on every computer of IVV Naturwissenschaften from the start menu.

  •  macOS

    To install software, please contact your IT administrator.

  •  Linux

    To install software, please contact your IT administrator.

Conceptually, Engauge Digitizer is the opposite of a graphing tool that converts data points into graphs. An image file is imported and then digitized in Engauge by placing points along axes and curves. The Engauge Digitizer tool accepts image files (such as PNG, JPEG, and TIFF) that contain graphs and restores the data points from those graphs.

More information about Engauge Digitizer can be found here.

For installing software, please consult your local IT administrator.