ComputerLabs in the Department of Physics

The ComputerLabs of the Physics Department are distributed across five buildings:

  • Applied Physics
  • Geophysics
  • Institutsgruppe (IG) 1
  • Nuclear Physics and Theoretical Physics
  • Didactics of General Studies

Applied Physics - Corrensstr. 2/4

203, 1st floor

Room: 203, 1st floor
Workspaces: 10 PCs
Peripheral Equipment:
Ansprechpartner: Mathis Weber
Opening hours:

"Lernzentrum" 318, Ground Floor

Room: "Lernzentrum" 318, Ground Floor
Workspaces: 6 PCs
Peripheral Equipment: Multifunction device
Ansprechpartner: Mathis Weber
Opening hours:

Geophysics - Corrensstr. 24


Room: 333
Workspaces: 10 PCs
Peripheral Equipment: Printer, Scanner
Ansprechpartner: Stefan Klingen
Opening hours:

Room: 301
Workspaces: 10 PCs
Peripheral Equipment:
Ansprechpartner: Stefan Klingen
Opening hours:

Institutsgruppe (IG) 1 - Wilhelm-Klemm-Str. 10


Room: 220, 2nd floor
Workspaces: 9 PCs
Peripheral Equipment: Printer
Opening hours:

504 - Institute of Physics

Room: 504, 5th floor
Workspaces: 8 PCs
Peripheral Equipment: Multifunctional Printer
Opening hours:

520 - Institut of Physics

Room: 520, 5th floor
Workspaces: 1 PC
Peripheral Equipment: Printer, DIN A3 Scanner
Opening hours:

745 - Solid State Theory

Room: 745, 7th floor
Workspaces: 12 PCs
Peripheral Equipment: Beamer
Opening hours:

747 - Solid State Theory

Room: 747, 7th floor
Workspaces: 9 PCs
Peripheral Equipment: Printer, Scanner
Opening hours:

Nuclear Physics and Theoretical Physics - Wilhelm-Klemm-Straße 9

210 Nuclear Physics
© Uni MS

Room: 210, 2nd floor
Workspaces: 11 PCs
Peripheral Equipment: Printer, Scanner
Opening hours:

414 Theoretical Physics

Room: 414, 4th floor
Workspaces: 11 PCs
Peripheral Equipment: Scanner
Opening hours:

Didactics of General Studies - Leonardo Campus 11

© Nico Schreiber

Room: 104, 1st floor
Workspaces: 13 PCs
Peripheral Equipment: Printer, webcam, projector, shared screen, charging station for devices
Ansprechpartner: IT-Team DDSU
Opening hours: Monday to Thursday from 9 am