Safety-critical Systems

Welcome to the group of safety-critical systems (Prof. Dr. Anne Remke) which is part of the institute of Computer Science at the Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster.

Podcast: Fokus Frieden

Electricity and security of supply - How do we prevent a blackout? A contribution by Prof. Dr. Anne Remke in the podcast Fokus Frieden from the Friedensakademie Rheinland-Pfalz.

The podcast is available in german at Link to the podcast.

© Radka Vasileiadis

Mathis Niehage und Anne Remke receive the best paper award of the conference Valuetools 2023 for their conference contribution The best of both worlds: Analytically-guided simulation of HPnGs for optimal reachability.

| WWU Podcast

Is our critical infrastructure safe?

Prof. Anne Remke was a guest in the WWU podcast WWU-Cast  about the topic Is our critical infrastructure safe?

The podcast is available only in german via Link zum Podcast.

DFG Proposal "RealyST"

Accepted DFG Proposal "RealyST: Reachability Analysis for Stochastic Hybrid Systems"

We are happy that our proposal for the DFG project "RealyST: Reachability Analysis for Stochastic Hybrid Systems", in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Erika Ábrahám from RWTH Aachen University, has been accepted.

There will be one doctoral position in Münster and one doctoral position in Aachen.

QEST21 RAE Award

QEST21 paper is awarded with the Best Repeatability and Artifact Evaluation Award

The paper "Optimizing Reachability Probabilities for a Restricted Class of Stochastic Hybrid Automata via Flowpipe-Construction" by Carina Pilch, Stefan Schupp (TU Wien) and Anne Remke has been awarded by the 18th International Conference on Quantitative Evaluation of Systems (QEST21) with the Best Repeatability and Artifact Evaluation Award for their outstanding repeatability artifact. We express congratulations to the authors for this award.


Project seminar cooperation with the GETEC group

We are happy to develop blockchain solutions for the GETEC ENERGIE and the GETEC net as part of our seminar ‚Development of a Smart Meter Gateway for the peripheral data management in blockchains‘.
Press release of the GETEC group

Rothenberge 2019
© Arnd Hartmanns

Workshop on Stochastic Hybrid Systems

The ‚Workshop on Stochastic Hybrid Systems‘ was organized in cooperation with Arnd Hartmanns from FMT, UTwente. Active discussions, e.g. with the groups FMT and Theory of Hybrid Systems, RWTH Aachen, have lead to interesting new research ideas.

Teaching award
© Fachschaft FB10

Anne Remke is awarded with the teaching award for special commitment in teaching

Our professor Dr. Anne Remke has been awarded for her lecture "Methoden und Anwendungen für randomisierte Systeme" (summer term 2018) with this year's "Teaching award for special commitment in teaching" of the student faculty. The award ceremony took place on the summer festival of the faculty on 5th June 2019. We express congratulations to Professor Remke for this award.

© Carina Pilch

Group travel to Venice :-)

From the 4th to 7th December, our group will travel to Venice to present two new publications at this year's VALUETOOLS conference.



Carina Pilch is awarded with the prize of the Fakultätentag Informatik

Our employee Carina Pilch has been awarded for her Master thesis on  the "Development of an event-based simulator for model checking hybrid Petri nets with random variables" with this year's prize of the Fakultätentag Informatik. The award ceremony took place on the INFORMATIK 2017 congress in Chemnitz.


Projectseminar 2016/2017
© AGRemke

Preparation in progress

We plan to implement a Scada Testbed in the Projectseminar 2016/2017. The hardware just arrived and we are able to start the preparation. 

Does Your Domestic Photovoltaic Energy System Survive Grid Outages?
© Marijn Jongerden

We were able to publicate a Journal Paper into MDPI Energies in cooperation with the Working goup DACS from the University of Twente.


MMB&DFT 2016


The 18th International GI/ITG Conference on “Measurement, Modelling and Evaluation of Computing Systems” and “Dependability and Fault-Tolerance” took place in Muenster.

MMB 2016