Every semester there are several lectures on safety-critical systems and different lectures on basic topics.




  • Kolloquium: Computer Science Colloquium [106115]
    (in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Sergei Gorlatch, Prof. Dr. Paula Herber, Prof. Dr. Lars Linsen, Prof. Dr. Ralph-Günther Holz, Jun.-Prof. Tanya Braun, Prof. Dr. Xiaoyi Jiang, Prof. Dr. Malte Schilling, Prof. Dr. Markus Müller-Olm, Prof. Dr. Jan Vahrenhold)
    [ - | | wöchentlich | Mi. | M B 4 (M 4) | Prof. Dr. Sergei Gorlatch]
  • Anleitung zum wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten: Supervision of theses in computer science [106114]
    (in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Sergei Gorlatch, Prof. Dr. Lars Linsen, Prof. Dr. Paula Herber, Prof. Dr. Xiaoyi Jiang, Prof. Dr. Malte Schilling, Prof. Dr. Markus Müller-Olm, Dr. Dietmar Lammers, Dr. Carina da Silva, Prof. Dr. Jan Vahrenhold, Jun.-Prof. Tanya Braun, Prof. Dr. Ralph-Günther Holz)
  • Übung: Tutorial Discrete Structures [106128]
    (in cooperation with Jonas Stübbe, Pauline Blohm)
    [ - | | wöchentlich | Do. | M A 503 (SR 5) | Jonas Stübbe]
    [ - | | wöchentlich | Do. | SRZ 115 | Jonas Stübbe]
    [ - | | wöchentlich | Fr. | M A 503 (SR 5) | Jonas Stübbe]
    [ - | | wöchentlich | Fr. | SRZ 117 | Jonas Stübbe]
    [ - | SRZ 17 | Jonas Stübbe]
    [ - | M B 2 (M 2) | Jonas Stübbe]
  • Oberseminar: Advanced Seminar "Parallel and Distributed Systems" [106129]
    [wöchentlich | Prof. Dr. Anne Remke]
  • V/Ü: Modeling with automata and probabilities (MAP) [106130]
    (in cooperation with Mathis Niehage)
    [ - | | wöchentlich | Di. | M A 109 (SR 1B) | Mathis Niehage]
    [ - | | wöchentlich | Do. | SRZ 202 | Mathis Niehage]
  • Vorlesung: Discrete Structures [106127]
    (in cooperation with Jonas Stübbe, Pauline Blohm)
    [ - | | wöchentlich | Di. | M B 2 (M 2) | Jonas Stübbe]
    [ - | M B 4 (M 4) | Jonas Stübbe]