
The desktop displays all the documents you are currently working on. You may also see documents of other users who have similar access rights as you. If the title or document name is displayed in italics, you have read-only permissions for the document, but you are not allowed to edit it.

Screenshot Imperia Desk
© Uni MS IT

In the upper part of the desktop view you can on the one hand switch the whole detail view (depending on the setting you get more or less information about the documents) and on the other hand limit the view by current step, rubric, user or next step.

In the Detail view you can see all possible information about a document:
The title of the document. You can get a preview of the document in the current editing state in a new window by clicking on either the title or path of the document.
The rubric to which the document is assigned.
The Internet address of the web page generated by this document. You can get a preview of the web page in the current editing state in a new window by clicking on either the title or the Internet address.
The date the document was last modified.
The date the document was created.
The creator of the document.
Current Step / Grid:
The current workflow step of the document. You can access the editing window by clicking on the font or icon.
Detailed information about how the document was edited and by whom.
This allows you to return to a previous step.
Next step:
The next step in the workflow.
This deletes the document from the desktop. It is then still stored in the archive.
Link Checker:
The link checker checks all existing links in the document.
Meta Viewer:
The "View" function (not to be confused with the view of the desk, which can be switched) is only of interest to administrators.
The template on which the document is based (in Münster University it is always WWU1).
There you can see if the document is currently being edited by another user, or if it is locked for yourself. If it says "lock document", it is currently not being edited by anyone. If you want to "unlock" the document, i.e. release it, click on your identifier and select "Remove" in the next window.
Before you do this, however, you should make sure that the corresponding user is no longer working on the document, otherwise Imperia may have conflicts.


Automatic deletion after 50 days

If a document on the desk has not been changed for 50 days, it will be deleted from the desk.
All changes that have not been accepted with a "Finish" from the edit interface at the time of deletion will be discarded.
In the archive, too, only changes are archived after which a "Finish" has taken place."


  • A "Save" updates the date of the last change and thus sets the expiration period to 50 days again.
  • You do not have to additionally publish a document after "finishing" if that is not desired. You can find it with the (new) document browser and edit it further.
  • Newly created documents that were never finished and are removed in this way disappear completely, including from the archive.
  • You can also display completed but not yet published documents in the web browser by replacing the "www." with "imperia." in the document URL. For example, instead of
    This will land you on a "development system" that can only be called up internally at the university, where all completed changes can be checked without them already being visible online. You can also continue editing from here using Quickedit from the OCE.

If you have any questions, please contact

Automatic deletion after 50 days
© Uni MS IT