Africa. "Conflict, elections and digitalization" Seminar in the "Hitzehaus"
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Die Fußball EM 2024-Sport und Politik
Precede Workshop: Populism roots in Europe.
Wahl-Kompass zur Landtagswahl 2022 in Niedersachsen
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Political participation of marginalised people 2019-2020
In June 2019, IfPol launched the research project "New participation and old inequality? Political participation of marginalised people" under the direction of Prof. Norbert Kersting. The project is funded by the vhw - Bundesverband für Wohnen und Stadtentwicklung e.V. and will be completed in July 2020. As part of the project, the motivations, framework conditions and influence of the political engagement of marginalised people in Germany will be examined in particular. Prof. Kersting will be supported by Jan Kaßner (research assistant) and Linda Rüthers (student assistant), who will use interviews to ask those affected as well as experts about the self-perception and contextual conditions of the involvement of marginalised groups far removed from participation. Participation research has recognised that people with fewer financial, social, time and cognitive resources participate less politically. In addition, organisational aspects, including the interests of the marginalised, which are classified as weak in power theory, as well as institutional hurdles, inhibit engagement. The project reverses the previous research approach by asking why such people participate to a lesser extent, but nevertheless - despite the resource-based restrictions. The project also hopes to gain important insights into the conditions under which political participation can actually be inclusive. To this end, two cities will be examined as cases in which the marginalised will be identified and interviewed in three participation formats. The focus will be on bottom-up variants of political engagement, e.g. neighbourhood and citizens' initiatives; participation processes initiated by civil society, e.g. community organising platforms, as well as top-down participation forums such as municipal neighbourhood councils and future workshops.
Further information can be found at