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© Kersting

Africa. "Conflict, elections and digitalization" Tagung im Hitzehaus

The seminar primarily analysed conflicts and conflict resolution mechanisms in the context of elections and referendums in Africa (Senegal, South Africa, Ghana, Mali etc,.). One focus was on digitalisation and digitality in Africa. Keynote speakers were Profs Christoph Hartmann, (Univ Duisburg-Essen), Deodatus Shayo (Univ Daressalam) and Blessmore Nikiti (Grasp Münster). In addition to forms of participation and the coupling of direct and deliberative democracy (DDD), the links between offline and online participation was analysed. Of particular importance were conflicts in the context of constitutional discourses, conflicts in the area of tension between civil society and the state ("shrinking spaces").

© Kersting

Smart cities

Smart cities can be regarded as the latest important administrative reform and digital innovation in most metropolitan cities globally. The international seminar focused on open data, open innovation, online and offline participation, sustainability (smart energy, smart mobility, smart architecture etc.) as components of a smart city. International best and bad practices will be analyzed. Here the main regional focus was on Brazil and Germany.