The Graduate School of Politics in Münster (GraSP) offers exceptional Ph.D. students from Germany and other countries the chance to complete a doctorate within three years through a structured study program and with excellent care and support service.
Our website provides information on current news and events of the GraSP. It will allow you to get to know the GraSP Münster and provide you with detailed information on the study program, the research groups as well as the application procedure.
Current News:
[24.02.2025] Faculty 06 is now offering a program to support the internationalization of early-career researchers. This program can help finance participation in international academic events, which supports early-career researchers in the expansion of their academic horizons. More information can be found here.
New student assistent at the grasp
[01.02.2025] Mel Greshake started their student assistant job at the Graduate School of Politics this month and is now available as a contact person for all GraSP-related matters. Mel can be reached at or in Room 128.
Karla Vanessa Rubio Jovel successfully defended her dissertation titled "Agricultural sustainability interventions from the private sector: A systematic analysis of experiences in the coffee industry." She conducted her research at the Graduate School of Politics under the supervision of Prof. Thomas Dietz. Her second supervisor was Prof. Jan Börner from the Institute for Food and Resource Economics at the University of Bonn.
[19.10.2024] Beth Lovelady successfully defended her PhD thesis on "A Tale of two Cities: Migrant Integration as Policy Field in Seattle & Cologne". Being a member of our Graduate School of Politics, she was supervised by Prof.'in Anette Zimmer and Prof. Steven Rathgeb Smith (Georgetown University, Washington D.C). Congratulations!
[08.11.2023] Nils Stockmann has successfully defended his dissertation "Moving meaning? The translation of sustainability norms in EU urban mobility governance". During his PhD he was supervised by Prof. Antonia Graf and Prof. Lisbeth Zimmermann (University of Frankfurt). We congratulate him and wish him all the best for the future!
[09.09.2023] We are pleased to be able to make various lectures that were organised by and with GraSP in the summer semester available online as podcast episodes over the next few weeks. In the first episode, you can listen to the lecture by Prof. Dr. Christian Lahusen as part of the GraSP workshop series "Parole, Parole, Parole? On the Impact of Dispositives, Narratives and Frames in Politics" on the topic of "The Claims-Making Approach and the Analysis of Debates Mediated by Mass Media".
Successful ending of the workshop series on discourse analysis
[30.06.2023] On the 23rd of June, the final part of the GraSP workshop "Parole, Parole, Parole? On the Impact of Dispositives, Narratives and Frames in Politics" took place. We would like to thank the speakers Prof. Dr. Sonja Blum, Prof. Dr. Gabriele Wilde, Dr. habil. Mareike Gebhardt, Prof. Dr. Christian Lahusen and Dr. Katja Freistein.
The respective slides for the presentations can be viewed here, they are in German:
[31.03.2023] Dana Atzpodien successfully defended her dissertation on „Konflikte, Konsens und Koalitionen: Analysen parlamentarischer Debatten zum Parteienwettbewerb auf der gesellschaftspolitischen Wettbewerbsdimension in Deutschland“. She was supervised by Prof. Oliver Treib, the co-supervisor was Prof.'in Heike Klüwer from the Humboldt University Berlin. We congratulate her and wish her all the best for the future!
GraSP Workshop on discursive analysis
[09.03.2023] GraSP cordially invites you to the summer semester workshop "Parole, Parole, Parole? Von der Wirkungsmacht von Dispositiven, Narrativen und Frames in der Politik" on discourse analysis. The workshop will take place on two dates on 05/05 and 23/06.
[31.01.23] Roman Turczynski successfully defended his dissertation "Fundamente liberalen und republikanischen politischen Denkens. Subjektivistische und objektivistische Grundannahmen in Theorien der Civil Society". During his time at the Graduate School of Politics he was supervised by Prof.'in Annette Zimmer and Prof. Rolf Puster (Uni Hamburg). We congratulate him and wish him all the best!
SEPHI Seminar in Social Entrepreneurship and Philanthropy: Call for applications
[30.11.2022] EMES members Nevena Radoynovska (EMLYON), Virginie Xhauflair (HEC Liège), Benjamin Huybrechts (IESEG) and Frédéric Dufays (HEC Liège) kindly invite PhD students and postdoctoral scholars working on social entrepreneurship, philanthropy or a related topic to submit their application for the 4th Seminar in Social Entrepreneurship and Philanthropy (SEPHI).
Dr'in Varkkey's research topics include Regional Environmental Governance in ASEAN, palm oil cultivation, agribusiness, and environmental policy (for more information, see her blog).
[05.10.2022] After a successful trial in the summer semester, the workshop series “Developing Effective Writing Practices: Writing in a Social Space” is back for the winter semester. Led by Karen Siegel, this workshop series provides a space for structured writing according to individual goals as well as exchanges of best practices and discussions about the writing process. For more information and to register, please e-mail:
[09.06.2022] This summer semester the event writing in social spaces took place under the direction of Karen Siegel . The participants came together for structured writing sessions and worked on their current texts, dissertations and essays. In a cozy atmosphere, they were able to support each other and to try out the concept of this kind of writing.
[23.03.2022] Sylwia Patron-Ravidà, a former PhD student at GraSP, has published her dissertation on the subject of " Die regionsinterne Innovationspolitik auf dem Weg zur Nachhaltigkeit. Eine empirische Analyse am Beispiel der polnischen Region Masowien." at the Springer Verlag. You can find more information about her doctoral thesis here. Congratulations!
[21.03.2022] Anja Ketels successfully defended her dissertation as the second doctoral student of the GraSP this year. The work was entitled " NGOs in China’s Foreign Policy: Processes, Strategies, and Objectives Behind the “Going Global” of Chinese NGOs ". Prof.‘in Dr. Annette Zimmer und Prof.‘in Dr. Antje Vetterlein supervised Mrs Ketels. Congratulations and we wish you all the best!
[17.03.2022] Jozef Zelinka, former PhD student at the GraSP, published his dissertation on the topic „Regieren durch Vorbeugen. Eine kritische Analyse der Burnout-Prävention nach Michel Foucault". You can find more information about his doctoral thesis here. We congratulate and wish all the best!
Paul Meiners wins the ECPR's Rudolf Wildenmann Prize
[16.02.2022] Paul Meiners, a PhD student at the GraSP, has been awarded the Rudolf Wildenmann Prize of the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) for his paper "Information and Motivation - How are attitudes towards international organizations developing?" The Wildenmann Prize is awarded annually to early-career researchers in recognition of an outstanding contribution presented at the ECPR's Joint Sessions of Workshops. Mr Meiners is a member of the European and International Governance research group and is supervised by Prof. Dr Bernd Schlipphak. A short video about the paper and further information on the Rudolf Wildenmann Prize can be found here.
[01.02.2022] Last week, Marius Dotzauer successfully defended his dissertation as the first doctoral student of the GraSP this year. He received the dream mark summa con laude. The work was entitled "People's legitimacy and investor-state dispute settlement: from contestation to successful reform?". Prof. Thomas Dietz and Prof. Michael Zürn (Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin) supervised Mr Dotzauer. Congratulations and we wish you all the best!
[10.01.2022] An exciting year is coming to an end for GraSP.This year we welcomed Anne Clary, Sara Velander, David Navichoc and Mareike Ritter to the GraSP.
In addition, Sylwia Patron-Ravida and Hanna Grotz successfully completed their dissertation.
We wish everyone a good start into the new year!
Day of the GraSP
[19.11.2021] On Thursday, 11/18/2021, the Day of the GraSP took place after a one-year pandemic-related break. As a prelude to the event, Jessica Voigt, a guest scientist at GraSP, gave a lecture on open data and corruption. Afterwards, the visitors had the opportunity to find out more about the projects of the GraSP doctoral candidates through posters. In addition, the GraSP general meeting took place during the event, in which the research groups reported on their work and the election of the doctoral representatives took place. In addition, several workshops on various topics have already been announced for the coming year. Finally, the whereabouts study of the GraSP graduates was presented, which you can read here.
New admissions to the GraSP
[06.10.2021] At the beginning of September, Mareike Ritter was admitted as a new member of the GraSP. We wish her a good start!
[23.08.2021] Last Friday, Hanna Grotz successfully defended her dissertation. With her research project " Politik in NGOs - Das alltägliche Aushandeln moralischer Forderungen zwischen Prinzipientreue und Wettbewerbsfähigkeit", she is the second successful graduate of the Graduate School of Politics this year. Ms Grotz, who has been the head of the rectorate at TU Dortmund University since 2020, was supervised by Prof.‘in Christiane Frantz and Prof.‘in Andrea Szukala. We congratulate her and wish her all the best!
New admission to the GraSP
[27.07.2021] At the beginning of the month, David Navichoc became the newest member of the Graduate School of Politics. We wish him all the best and good luck with his research project!
New admissions to the GraSP
[30.06.2021] At the beginning of June, Sara Velander was admitted as a new member of the GraSP. We wish her a good start!
New admission to the GraSP
[11.05.2021] Last month, Anne Clary became the newest member of the Graduate School of Politics. We wish her all the best and good luck with her research project!
[28.04.2021] Being the first GraSP member this year, Ms. Sylwia Patron-Ravida has successfully defended her PhD thesis today and thus concluded her doctorate. Her dissertation was titled „Die regionsinterne Innovationspolitik auf dem Weg zur Nachhaltigkeit? Eine empirische Analyse am Beispiel der polnischen Region Masowien“ and supervised by Prof. Dr. Norbert Kersting and Prof. Dr. Stefan Garsztecki (Technical University of Chemnitz). Congratulations and all the best!
[22.12.2020] On December 7 and 14, GraSP promoted the workshop “Helping your manuscript to be successful”, taught by Dr. Julie Davies, from the English Support Center of the WWU. Fourteen doctoral students and postdocs participated in the workshop, with the aim of improving argumentation skills and knowledge of English writing conventions. Stylistic differences between essays and scientific reports, the use of different voices in the text, and cohesion strategies were among the topics covered. In addition to the theoretical discussion, the workshops had practical exercises, in which participants were able to apply in their work in progress the lessons learned.
On January 25 and February 1, 2021, the program will continue with the workshop “Level-up your English academic writing”, in which stylistic conventions will be deepened, as well as techniques to increase the clarity, effectiveness and impact of academic writings. In the following week, participants will also schedule individual consultations to answer questions and find ways to improve the writing they are developing. Therefore, it is expected that the workshops contribute to enhance the capacity for textual expression, expanding the possibilities of publication and scientific dissemination of the research developed in the GraSP.
In 2020, the GraSP was able to look forward to four new doctoral students and four completed dissertation projects.
This year we welcomed Berenike Feldhoff, Nils Stockmann, Laura Cullen and Michael Pollok to the GraSP.
In addition, Johannes Bauser, Jozef Zelinka, Aditi Malhotra and Tobias John successfully completed their dissertation.
[29.10.2020] Johannes Bauser, former PhD student at the GraSP, published his dissertation on the topic " Erfolgsbedingungen für Bürgerbeteiligung: Einfluss kommunaler Entscheidungsträger auf Beteiligungsergebnisse am Beispiel LiquidFeedback ". You can find more information about his doctoral thesis here. We congratulate and wish all the best!
New admission to the GraSP
[10.10.2020] On Thursday, 8 October 2020, Michael Pollok was accepted as the newest member of our Graduate School. We wish him all the best for his research project!
[30.06.2020] Today, Tobias John successfully defended his dissertation "Policy-Making in Möglichkeitsräumen - Pluralisierung der Sicherheitsproduktion und Konzeption einer kontingenzsensiblen policy-analytischen Perspektive". Mr John was a member of the research group "Safety, Security & Policing" and was supervised by Prof. Klaus Schubert and Prof. Bernhard Frevel. Mr John is the deputy head of the junior research group "Pluralisierung lokaler urbaner Sicherheitsproduktion" (PLUS-I). We say congratulations and wish all the best!
[25.06.2020] Today, Aditi Malhotra successfully defended her dissertation and thus completed it. She was awarded with the tream grade summa con laude. Her work was entitled "India in Indo-Pacific: Understanding India’s Security Role Evolution towards Southeast Asia and East Asia". Being a member of the GraSP, she was supervised by Prof. Sven-Bernhard Gareis, Prof.’in Doris Fuchs and Prof. Markus Lederer (TU Darmstadt). We say congratulations and wish all the best for the future!
Dana Atzpodien, PhD student at GraSP, has published an article entitled "Die SPD im Spagat zwischen Regierungsverantwortung und Überzeugung – Migration im parlamentarischen Parteienwettbewerb" in the journal for comparative political science. You can find the complete essay here.
New admission to the GraSP
[10.052020] On Thursday, 7 May 2020, Laura Cullen was accepted as the newest member of our Graduate School of Politics. We wish her all the best for her research project!
[05.06.2020] Christine Prokopf, a former PhD student at GraSP, has published her dissertation on the subject of "Handeln vor der Katastrophe als politische Herausforderung: Mehr Vorsorge durch die Governance von Risiken." at the NOMOS Verlag. You can find more information about her doctoral thesis here. Congratulations!
[25.01.2020] Yesterday, Mr Jozef Zelinka has successfully defended his PhD thesis titled "Regieren durch Vorbeugen. Eine kritische Analyse der Burnout-Prävention nach Michel Foucault". Being a member of the GraSP, he was supervised by Prof.'in Dr. Gabriele Wilde and Prof. Dr. Matthias Bohlender (University of Osnabrück). Congratulations!
[10.01.2020] Being the first GraSP member this year, Mr. Johannes Bauser has successfully defended his PhD thesis today and thus concluded his doctorate. His dissertation was titled "Erfolgsbedingungen für Bürgerbeteiligung: Einfluss kommunaler Entscheidungsträger auf Beteiligungsergebnisse am Beispiel LiquidFeedback" and supervised by Prof. Dr. Norbert Kersting and Prof. Christoph Bieber (University of Duisburg-Essen). Congratulations and all the best!
Disputations at the GraSP
[10.01.2020] On Friday, 24 January 2020, Mr. Jozef Zelinka will defend his dissertation. His research project is titled "Regieren durch Vorbeugen. Eine kritische Analyse der Burnout-Prävention nach Michel Foucault." The defendance speech will begin at 10.30 a.m. in room 101 at the Graduate School of Politics, Scharnhorststr. 100, 48151 Münster. The examination board consists of Prof.‘in Dr. Gabriele Wilde and Prof. Dr. Matthias Bohlender.