Lecture course, Mo 10-12 and Th 10-12
Learnweb Course:
Lecture notes
Lecture course, Mo 14-16 and Th 14-16
Learnweb Course:
Lecture notes
Lecture course, Mo 14-16 and Th 14-16
Learnweb Course:
Lecture notes
Lecture course, Mo 14-16 and Th 14-16
Learnweb Course:
Lecture notes
Seminar, Vorbesprechung am 21.07. um 10:00 via Zoom. Genuauere Informationen im Programm:
Ankündigung und Programm
Learnweb Course:
Lectures on YouTube, with discussion Thu 12-14 via zoom
Webpage of the lecture
Lecture course through Zoom, Tue 12-14 and Thu 12-14
Webpage of the lecture
Seminar, We 14-16
Webpage with further information:
Seminar on Condensed Mathematics
Vorlesung, Di 8-10 und Fr 8-10
Webpage mit weiteren Informationen und Übungen:
Seminar, Vorbesprechung am 8.07. um 16:00 in SR0
Ankündigung und Programm
Vorlesung, Mo 10-12 and Do 10-12
Die Vorlesung beginnt erst in der zweiten Semesterwoche!
Webpage mit weiteren Informationen und Übungen:
Topologie II
Seminar, Vorbesprechung am 11.02. um 11:00 in SR5
Ankündigung und Programm
Vorlesung, Mo 10-12 and Do 10-12
Webpage with further information and exercises:
Topologie I
Lunchseminar, Di 12-2
Vorlesung, Mo 10-12 and Do 10-12
Webpage with further information and list of talks:
Vorlesung, Mo 10-12 and Do 10-12
Webpage with further information and exercises:
Oberseminar mit Sarah Scherotzke, 2 hrs, Di 14-16
Ankündigung und Vorträge
Do 10-12, MPIM Seminar room
Webpage with further information and schedule:
Seminar program
Lecture course, 4 hrs, Mo 14-16, Wed 8-10. Assistent: Fabian Hebestreit.
Webpage with further information und excercises sheets.
Mo 2-4, MPIM Lecture Hall
Webpage with further information and schedule:
Do 10-12, MI N0.003
Webpage with further information and schedule:
Lecture course (V3D2), 4 hrs, Mo 10-12, Wed 8-10. Assistent: Markus Land.
Webpage with further information und excercises sheets.
Seminar (S2D4): 2 hrs, We 14-16, Announcement
Lecture course (V3D1), 4 hrs, Mo 10-12, Wed 8-10. Assistent: Markus Land.
Webpage with further information und excercises sheets.
Graduate Seminar Topology (S4D2): Announcement
Graduate Seminar Topology (S4D2): Announcement
Advanced seminar, joint with. ... Announcement
Proseminar Announcement
Seminar Announcement
Lecture course, joint K. Waldorf Announcement
Advanced Seminar, joint with ... Announcement
Seminar Announcement
Advanced seminar joint with Prof. Dr. Bunke Announcement
Tutorial, lecture by Prof. Dr. Bunke Announcement
Advanced Seminar, joint with Prof. Dr. Bunke Announcement