Computerpool Fürstenberghaus

Pool in the Fürstenberghaus
© Bastian Behrend

The computer pool in the Fürstenberghaus is located in the basement and can be reached via the library entrance. The pool was created by merging the old History, Philosophy and German Studies pools across all departments. Following the relocation of German Studies to the Steinhaus and refinancing of the equipment by Faculty 8, it is now operated as a central pool for the faculty. 

The following resources are available to students and staff of the University of Münster:

  • 14 Windows computers with Internet access within the pool
  • 5 additional computers distributed in the library of the Fürstenberghaus
  • Printing facilities via the copiers available in the library (black/white and colour printing, subject to a charge, billing via Mensa card). Please use as a printer queue for this purpose

The pool is also equipped with projector and media technology. If you would like to use the pool for your course, please contact directly and in good time.

Opening hours

The opening hours of the pool generally correspond to the opening hours of the library in the Fürstenberghaus. If the pool is used for courses, this will be indicated in good time in the timetable or on the notice board.

Please also note the notices in the pool.

Software equipment

All computers are equipped with the necessary standard software. The following are also available

  • MS Office - text processing
  • Libre Office
  • SPSS - statistics package
  • Citavi Free - literature management

Additional software for courses can be installed. If required, please contact IVV1 in good time (at least 14 days before the respective course).