Secure Web Gateway (SWG) - MacOS X

To set up the Secure Web Gateway (SWG) correctly, it is important that both parts of the instructions (installing the certificate and setting up the SWG proxy) are carried out.

Note: This page is currently under construction

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  • Install certificate

    1. Download certificate

    Download the certificate. This will then appear in your download folder in the Finder.

    2. Open certificate

    Open the downloaded file with a double click and start the installation.

    3. Add certificate to keychain

    The certificate can be added to the "System" keyring (for all users of the computer).

    3. Add certificate to keychain
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    4. Trust certificate

    4. Trust certificate
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    The certificate first appears in the keychain with a red cross. The certificate in the keychain must still be trusted at least for Secure Socket Layer (SSL). To do this, open the certificate in the keychain and select "Always Trust" in the "Secure Socket Layer (SSL)" area.
    The next step is to set up the SWG proxy.

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  • Set up SWG proxy

    1. Open settings

    Click on the “Apple” icon at the top left and select “System Preferences”.

    1. Open settings
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    2. Open network settings

    Click on “Network” on the left-hand side. Then select “WLAN”. If you are connected via Ethernet, click on this instead.

    2. Open network settings
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    3. Add proxy (1)

    Select your network on the right (in this case “uni-ms”) and then click on “Details”.

    3. Add proxy (1)
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    3. Add proxy (2)

    Under Proxies, select “Automatic proxy configuration” and then enter the following URL: https://swg.uni-muenster.de/proxy.pac

    3. Add proxy (2)
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