Access Exchange Mailbox via Gmail

Requirements: You have installed Android 5.x or higher.


  • Setting up the Exchange Account with Exchange-Autodiscover

    Requirements: Your Android smartphone is connected to the university network oder the internet.

    Add a new account in the Gmail-App and select "Exchange and Office 365".

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    Enter your exchange adress ( ). Confirm the entry with "Next".
    IMPORTANT: Do not use your e-mail name to set up the mailbox, but the university ID. You can set the desired sender name (Exchange display name) in the IT portal.

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    Enter your university password and confirm the entry with "Next".

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    If all entries are correct, the account will be added and you can finish the setup by clicking "Done".

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  • Manual set up of the Exchange account

    Requirements: Your Android smartphone is connected to the university network oder the internet.

    Add a new account in the Gmail-App and select "Exchange and Office 365".

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    Add your exchange address and select "Set up manually".
    IMPORTANT: Do not use your e-mail name to set up the mailbox, but the university ID. You can set the desired sender name (Exchange display name) in the IT portal.

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    Enter the following information:

    • Email: (should already be pre-filled)
    • Password: Your university password (should already be pre-filled)
    • Domain\Username: wwu\universityID
    • Server:
    • Port: 443
    • Security type: SSL/TLS
    • If available: Accept alle SSL certificates: deactivate
    • If available: Use client certificate: deactivate
    Confirm the entry with "Next".

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    If all entries are correct, the account will be added and you can finish the setup by clicking "Done".

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  • Change account


    To switch between the university's Exchange account and your other mail accounts, tap on your profile picture or the Exchange symbol in the top right-hand corner and select the desired mailbox from the list that appears.

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  • Differences between Exchange mailbox / standard mailbox

    An additional e-mail address will be set up when you set up your Exchange mailbox: Kennung@EXCHANGE.WWU.DE .
    This is different from your standard mailbox: Kennung@UNI-MUENSTER.DE .
    From a technical point of view, these are different e-mail systems and accounts.

    You should not use the Exchange address as a contact address, but always enter the default e-mail address ( Kennung@UNI-MUENSTER.DE ).
    The Exchange e-mail address ( Kennung@EXCHANGE.WWU.DE ) is only relevant for the internal delivery of e-mails within Exchange and is only displayed within Exchange.
    If you send an e-mail to the standard mailbox or to people outside the University of Münster, your e-mail address will automatically be changed to Kennung@UNI-MUENSTER.DE.