Mattermost Boards

Mattermost Boards is a project management tool that allows you to coordinate projects and related tasks within your team.

  • Creat new Boards


    1. Start Boards

    Navigate to “Boards” at the top left next to the arrows.

    1. Start Boards
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    2. Create a new board

    An interface similar to the one shown in the screenshot should then open.
    On the left-hand side, you can see which Mattermost team you are in, as well as the boards created in this team. In this case, there is none yet, so click on the “+” symbol and then on “Create new board” to create a new board.

    2. Create a new board
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    3. Choose template

    To get started, it makes sense to use one of the templates on the left-hand side as a guide when creating a new board. Alternatively, you can of course do without a template by clicking on “Create empty board”.

    3. Choose template
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    4. Edit board

    You can rename your board by simply clicking on the heading (here “Board instructions”).
    You will now see an overview of your board in the middle of the interface. You have various view options, which you can switch between on the left-hand side. Depending on what you select there, your board will be organized according to progress, priorities, calendar or tasks.
    If you want to share your board with another person, you can click on “Share” at the top right.

    4. Edit board
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    5. Edit tasks

    Click on a specific task in the overview to edit it. In the window that opens, you can change the task title as well as the status, priority, deadline and the person to whom the task should be assigned.

    5. Edit tasks
    © CIT