few places still remain. Financial assistance is available to cover fees.
Call for participation: Summer school on Gamifying Spatial Collaboration 2014
To mark the occasion of its 20th anniversary, the Institute for Geoinformatics (IfGI) at the University of Münster is organizing a summer school to be held from the 11th to the 17th of June 2014, subsequent to the anniversary event itself (June 10th to 11th). The scientific symposium of the anniversary, which will be held on the 11th at the Münster Palace, is also the first day of the summer school. The goals of the summer school will be to explore both the theory and practice of gamification and spatial collaboration in geoinformatics, and how we can move towards applying gamification to enhance collaborative data acquisition in geoinformatics.
Course Content
The summer school will take a close look at the opportunities and challenges that arise through combining geoinformatic technology with gamification for spatial collaboration. Two particular questions addressed during the school will be: How can gamification improve geoinformation technology? and, What are the opportunities offered by gamification to enhance collaborative data acquisition and the gathering of feedback? The summer school will consist of a 6-day program at the intersection of spatial collaboration, gamification and geoinformation technology. It will be held in the stimulating and creative environment of the Institute for Geoinformatics. The school is aimed primarily at graduate students, and we anticipate around 30 attendees.
Course Program
The six days of the course will comprise two full-day tutorials, one on gamification and one on spatial collaboration; a social event; a hackathon and field work day; a tutorial day on combining gamification and spatial collaboration tools; and an interactive session on future developments. All tutorials will be given in English.
Days will finish with social events including a tour of the city, a summer school dinner, a party, and a bar game.
The sequence of the six days will be:
0. (June 11th): Scientific Symposium (optional)
1. (June 12th): Spatial collaboration
2. (June 13th): Gamification
3. (June 14th): Social event
4. (June 15th): Field work and hackathon
5. (June 16th): Gamifying spatial collaboration
6. (June 17th): Future perspectives
Prof. Dr. Barbara Grüter
Gangs of Bremen, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Applied Sciences, Bremen
Dr. Peter Kiefer
Geoinformation Engineering, ETH Zurich
Kate Chapman
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (H.O.T.), Washington D.C.
Venue, Fee and Accommodation
The summer school will take place in the lecture rooms of the new GEO 1 building, Heisenbergstraße 2, D-48149 Münster (http://www.uni-muenster.de/Geoinformatics/en/). Fees include catering, lunch, and a gala dinner and amount to 200 € per student. Accommodation needs to be paid separately. Further information is available on the website. We strongly recommend renting a bike from the Radstation Münster (http://www.radstation-ms.de/), located directly in front of the main station, in order to facilitate mobility between the various summer school events. In case you need any help or assistance, please contact us.
Financial Assistance
There is the possibility to receive financial assistance to cover fees. Please contact us directly.
Application Process
Interested people should submit a statement of motivation of about 500 words, briefly describing how the summer school might contribute to or enrich their own work.
Application deadline: 22 April 2014
Notification of acceptance: 30 April 2014
After the notification of acceptance, participants will be contacted with registration details. Attendees are encouraged to present their own work or an idea related to the summer school in the form of a poster at the end of the symposium on the 11th of June. Registration Please register online and submit your application at: http://www.uni-muenster.de/Geoinformatics/en/anniversary/summerschool/
Download the CfP as pdf here.