Ph. D. studies, Computer Vision and Machine Learning Systems (Prof. Benjamin Risse)
Master of Science (Computer Science), University of Münster
Haalck, Lars, and Risse, Benjamin. . “Solving the Plane-Sphere Ambiguity in Top-Down Structure-from-Motion.” contribution to the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), Waikoloa, Hawaii doi: 10.1109/WACV57701.2024.00345.
Young, S, Schiffer, C, Wagner, A, Patz, J, Potapenko, A, Herrmann, L, Nordhoff, V, Pock, T, Krallmann, C, Stallmeyer, B, Röpke, A, Kierzek, M, Biagioni, C, Wang, T, Haalck, L, Deuster, D, Hansen, JN, Wachten, D, Risse, B, Behre, HM, Schlatt, S, Kliesch, S, Tüttelmann, F, Brenker, C, and Strünker, T. . “Human fertilization in vivo and in vitro requires the CatSper channel to initiate sperm hyperactivation.” Journal of Clinical Investigation, № 134 (1) doi: 10.1172/JCI173564.
Barrie, Robert, Haalck, Lars, Risse, Benjamin, Nowotny, Thomas, Graham, Paul, and Buehlman, Cornelia. . “Trail using ants follow idiosyncratic routes in complex landscapes.” Learning and Behavior, № s13420-023-00615 doi: 10.3758/s13420-023-00615-y.
Haalck, L, Mangan, M, Wystrach, A, Clement, L, Webb, B, and Risse, B. . “CATER: Combined Animal Tracking & Environment Reconstruction.” Science advances, № 9 (16): eadg2094–eadg2094.
Haalck, Lars, Thiele, Sebastian, and Risse, Benjamin. . “Tracking Tiny Insects in Cluttered Natural Environments using Refinable Recurrent Neural Networks.” contribution to the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), Waikoloa, Hawaii doi: 10.1109/WACV57701.2024.00697.
Huesmann, Karim, Rodriguez, LuisGarcia, Linsen, Lars, and Risse, Benjamin. . “The Impact of Activation Sparsity on Overfitting in Convolutional Neural Networks.” in The Impact of Activation Sparsity on Overfitting in Convolutional Neural Networks Basel: Springer International Publishing.
Haalck, Lars, and Risse, Benjamin. . “Embedded Dense Camera Trajectories in Multi-Video Image Mosaics by Geodesic Interpolation-based Reintegration.” contribution to the Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision, Waikoloa, Hawaii
Thiele, Sebastian, Haalck, Lars, Struffert, Marvin, Scherber, Christoph, and Risse, Benjamin. . “Towards Visual Insect Camera Traps.” contribution to the International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR) Workshop on Visual observation and analysis of Vertebrate And Insect Behavior (VAIB), Milan
Scientific Talk
Haalck, Lars; Risse, Benjamin : “Quantifying the Behavioural Dynamics Behind the Sixth Mass Extinction of Insects – A Progress Report”. EnviroInfo 2019, Kassel, Deutschland, .