Research projects at the Chair of International Relations and Sustainable Development investigate climate policies on different levels of the multi-level system, particularly on the European and international level. Concerning global climate policy, a project, that is embedded within the Cluster of Excellence for Politics and Religion at the WWU, looks at the influence of religious actors in this policy area. Another project, funded by the German Research Community (DFG), is concerned with time horizons in European climate and fishery policy, looking at the influence of discursive and institutional structures in reference to the EU's position on climate policies. Close research links at the chair can be drawn between energy policy and agrifood governance.
Selected publications on the topic
- Glaab, K.; Fuchs, D. Forthcoming. „Religiös und grün? Die Rolle von glaubensbasierten Akteuren im globalen Diskurs der nachhaltigen Entwicklung.“ Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft
- Glaab, K. 2014. „Religiöse Akteure in der globalen Umweltpolitik.“ In Religionen – Global Player in der internationalen Politik?, herausgegeben von Werkner Ines-Jacqueline, Hidalgo, Oliver, 235-251. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
- Fuchs, D. 2013. „Sustainable Consumption“. In Falkner, R. (Hrsg.). Handbook of Global Climate and Environmental Policy. Hoboken: Wiley-Blackwell, 215-230.
- Fuchs, D.; Boll, F. 2012. „Emerging Private Voluntary Programs and Climate Change: The Blind-Spots of the Agrifood Sector”. In Ronit, K. (Hrsg.). Private Voluntary Programs in Global Climate Policy: Pitfalls and Potentials. New York: United Nations University Press, 143-178.
Current Contributions to Conferences
- Glaab, K. “Saving the Climate, Securing Rights? Diverging Rights Discourses and Climate Action.” Presented at the World International Studies (WISC) Conference, Frankfurt, 6-9 August 2014.
- Glaab, K.; Baumgart-Ochse, C. “Justice and Faith - A Conceptual Rapprochement.” Presented at the International Studies Association (ISA) Annual Convention, Toronto, 26-29 March 2014.