In the research field of participation, the team researches questions of citizen participation in the context of challenges of a socio-ecological transformation towards sustainability. It examines processes of citizen participation in the area of technically and economically compex topics such as energy system transformation ( KomMAP) and bioeconomy ( BIOCVIS) as well as the potential of citizen engagement in terms of creating sustainable common good, which includes the wellbeing of all present and future generations (ENGAGE).
The overarching question here is how a "broad" (i.e. highly inclusive) participation of citizens from all social groups can be achieved within the framework of a societal dialogue that integrates diverse groups of actors, aims for more than acceptance production and realises democratic principles.
The participation research of the chair is linked to the research field of energy policy.
Selected publication on the topic
- Bohn, Carolin; Fuchs, Doris. 2019. „Partizipative Transformation? - Die zentrale Rolle politischer Urteilsbildung für nachhaltigkeitsorientierte Partizipation in liberalen (Post-)Demokratien.“ In Gegenwart und Zukunft sozial-ökologischer Transformation, edited by Bohn, Carolin; Fuchs, Doris; Kerkhoff, Antonius; Müller, Christian, 77-100. Baden-Baden: Nomos.
- Bohn, Carolin. 2019. ‘Preference transformation through ‘green political judgement formation’? Rethinking informal deliberative citizen participation processes.’ Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 2019: 1-18. doi: 10.1080/13698230.2019.1698122
- Graf Antonia, Fuchs Doris, Gölz Sebastian, Gumbert Tobias, Klobasa Marian, Ruddat Michael, Sonnberger Marco. 2016. KomMa-P Abschlussbericht. Komplementäre Nutzung verschiedener Energieversorgungskonzepte als Motor gesellschaftlicher Akzeptanz und individueller Partizipation zur Transformation eines robusten Energiesystems - Entwicklung eines integrierten Versorgungsszenarios.
- Gumbert Tobias, Fuchs Doris. 2016. Bürgerbeteiligung und Energiewende – Partizipationsmöglichkeiten im urbanen Raum Sustainable Governance Discussion Papers, Nr. 01/2016. Münster: Chair of International Relations and Sustainable Development.
- Alle, Katrin; Graf, Antonia; Härdtlein, Marlies; Hinderer, Nele. 2015. Bürgerwindanlagen im Kontext der deutschen Energiewende. Eine Analyse des sozio-technischen Innovationsfeldes. LITRES Discussion Paper, Nr. 2015-01. Stuttgart.
- Frantz, Christiane; Fuchs, Doris. 2014. ‘The Impact of Civil Society on Sustainable Development.’ In Modernizing Democracy? Associations and Associating in the 21st Century, edited by Freise, Matthias; Hallmann, Thorsten, 83-96.