Buddy Programme

© CERes

Target group: doctoral researchers

Embarking on doctoral research is not only exciting. It is also challenging – all the more so for doctoral researchers from abroad. You not only have to familiarise yourself with the new academic environment – you also have to acclimatise yourself in a new country. Often without being able to speak German.

The Münster Centre for Emerging Researchers (CERes) endeavours to network emergent researchers across faculty borders and to support them in doing so. With the buddy programme, our aim is to promote peer-to-peer support right at the beginning of the doctoral process, bringing together new doctoral researchers and those who have already completed their first year.


  • A friendly welcome and better orientation for new doctoral researchers 
  • Extending interdisciplinary networking  
  • Actively shaping a doctoral culture characterised by openness, curiosity and solidarity

Contact person: Sabine Schneider, M.A., M.A.