
Community Garden
© CERes

Target group: doctoral and postdoctoral researchers

Get away from your desk – get out into the field! Be active in a community and keep both feet on the ground: our community garden InchbyInch offers an excellent opportunity to do so. Münster CERes rents a small plot of land, part of it already planted, from a local lessor of vegetable gardens.

Every season we select a group of reliable doctoral researchers and postdocs who share the responsibility for the garden and harvesting work. Emerging researchers from all over the world learn something together about ecological gardening and about harvesting flowers and vegetables. In the process, the researchers grow together on a personal level and as a “roots” community.


In the community garden you can ...

  • learn all about ecological and sustainable gardening and enjoy the shared harvest
  • meet local gardeners and build up a “sweat” network
  • learn to wind down and relax completely

… and then return to your desk or to the lab with your batteries recharged!

Contact person: Sabine Schneider, M.A., M.A.