Ina Reckermann

Tee-Seminar der AG Kramer: Ludovic Mistiaen (Muenster/Paris): A structural result on central groups

Monday, 17.07.2023 14:15 im Raum SRZ 216/217

Mathematik und Informatik

A quick reasoning in abstract groups shows that if G/Z(G) is finite, then so is the derived subgroup G'. In this talk, we show that a similar result is true in the context of topological groups, replacing "finite" by "compact". This actually serves as an excuse to state and use a powerful structural result on central groups. https://www.uni-muenster.de/AGKramer/index.php?name=TSSS23&menu=teesemi&lang=de

Angelegt am 13.07.2023 von Ina Reckermann
Geändert am 13.07.2023 von Ina Reckermann
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