Heike Harenbrock

Mittagsseminar zur Arithmetik: Prof. Johannes Sprang (Duisburg): Algebraicity and p-adic interpolation of critical Hecke L-values

Tuesday, 17.01.2023 10:15 im Raum SRZ 216/217

Mathematik und Informatik

Euler's beautiful formula on the values of the Riemann zeta function at the positive even integers can be seen as the starting point of the investigation of special values of L-functions. In particular, Euler's result shows that all critical zeta values are rational up to multiplication with a particular period, here the period is a power of 2?i. Conjecturally this is expected to hold for all critical L-values of motives. In this talk, I will explain a joint result with Guido Kings on the algebraicity of critical Hecke L-values up to explicit periods for totally imaginary fields. As an application, I will discuss the construction of p-adic L-functions of such fields.

Angelegt am 03.01.2023 von Heike Harenbrock
Geändert am 03.01.2023 von Heike Harenbrock
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