Julia Moudden

Antrittsvorlesung von PD Dr. Rudolf Zeidler: Metric inequalities under lower scalar curvature bounds

Wednesday, 09.11.2022 11:45 im Raum M4

Mathematik und Informatik

Metric inequalities on Riemannian manifolds subject to lower scalar curvature bounds have become an important aspect in the study of scalar curvature in the recent years, in partic-ular due to conjectures raised by Gromov. This has lead to new geometric phenomena involving the scalar curvature, but which are vaguely reminiscent of classical results in comparison ge-ometry for sectional or Ricci curvature. In this talk, I will give an introduction to this type of questions and survey some of the recent results.


Angelegt am 25.10.2022 von Julia Moudden
Geändert am 25.10.2022 von Julia Moudden
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