Anne Schindler

Lunch Time Lecture: Dr. Lisa Horvath: Do we still need equality measures? Gender Biases in Academia and how to reduce them

Wednesday, 10.05.2023 12:15 im Raum SRZ 216/217

Mathematik und Informatik

Despite a variety of equality measures, women are still underrepresented in academia ? especially in higher levels. Why is that? Do women just not want to pursue scientific careers, especially in STEM fields or into higher positions? In this talk, we shed light on several scientific areas and on how gender stereotypes and implicit gender biases can manifest in scientific careers. For instance, gender publication biases show that women are less invited as authors and reviewers, gender citation biases reveal that women?s work is less cited than men?s. Other gender biases are observed in hiring, administrative work, teaching evaluations, etc. Last but not least, we take a look at equality strategies and measures with which gender biases can be reduced in order to support excellence and equality in science.

Angelegt am 11.10.2022 von Anne Schindler
Geändert am 22.03.2023 von Anne Schindler
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