Heike Harenbrock

Mittagsseminar zur Arithmetik: Dr. Ian Gleason (Bonn): The connected components of affine Deligne--Lusztig varieties in mixed characteristic

Tuesday, 11.10.2022 10:15 im Raum SR 116/117

Mathematik und Informatik

Affine Deligne--Lusztig varieties (ADLV) play an important role in the study of characteristic p points of Shimura varieties. Notably, Kisin uses information on connected components of ADLV to prove a version of the Langlands--Rapoport conjecture for his integral models of abelian type Shimura varieties at hyperspecial level. After Chen-Kisin-Viehmann's seminal work, many authors have used combinatorial techniques and perfect algebraic geometry to compute connected components of ADLV, each of these works increasing the generality of the statement proved. The purpose of this talk is to describe a new approach to computing the connected components of ADLV. This new approach uses p-adic analytic geometry a la Scholze and Fontaine's classical p-adic Hodge-Theory, to tackle the problem in larger generality.

Angelegt am 21.09.2022 von Heike Harenbrock
Geändert am 21.09.2022 von Heike Harenbrock
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