Martina Pfeifer

Shirly Geffen: Rokhlin type properties for finite group partial actions on C*-algebras

Thursday, 01.07.2021 10:30 im Raum SRZ 117 und Zoom

Mathematik und Informatik

The classical Rokhlin lemma from ergodic theory has motivated the concept of Rokhlin type properties for group actions on C*-algebras. They are mainly considered in order to classify C*-algebras arising from dynamical systems. In this talk, I'll review these ideas and extend them to the setting of partial actions by finite groups. This is joint work with Fernando Abadie and Eusebio Gardella.

Angelegt am 29.06.2021 von Martina Pfeifer
Geändert am 29.06.2021 von Martina Pfeifer
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