Elke Enning

Matthew Wiersma (University of Alberta): Kirchberg's factorization property for locally compact groups.

Thursday, 01.03.2018 16:15 im Raum N2

Mathematik und Informatik

A locally compact group $G$ has the factorization property if the map $$ \mathrm{C}^*(G)\odot\mathrm{C}^*(G)\ni a\otimes b\mapsto \lambda(a)\rho(b)\in \mathcal B(\mathrm{L}^2(G))$$ is continuous with respect to the minimal C*-norm (where $\lambda$ and $\rho$ denote the left and right regular representations of $G$). The factorization property for discrete groups is relatively well studied due to its connection to approximation and local properties of discrete group C*-algebras. In contrast, the factorization property was virtually unstudied for non-discrete groups until very recently. I will discuss recent developments on the factorization property for non-discrete groups.

Angelegt am 22.02.2018 von Elke Enning
Geändert am 23.02.2018 von Elke Enning
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