Anja Böckenholt

Manuel Krannich (University of Copenhagen, Dänemark): On characteristic classes of exotic manifold bundles. (Oberseminar Topologie)

Monday, 08.01.2018 14:00 im Raum SR 1D

Mathematik und Informatik

Restricting diffeomorphisms of a closed n-manifold M to an embedded disc D^n induces a fibration sequence Diff(M,D^n) -> Diff(M) -> Emb(D^n,M), where Emb(D^n,M) is the space of embeddings of the disc and Diff(M,D^n) the group of diffeomorphisms fixing it. Connect summing M with an exotic sphere S does not affect the homotopy type of the two outer terms in the sequence, so one might expect it to be hard to detect the possible exotic nature of M#S by means of homotopical properties of its group of diffeomorphisms. Combining computations in stable homotopy theory with recent advances in manifold theory by Galatius and Randal-Williams, I will present results on the behavior of the cohomology of BDiff(M) when taking the connected sum with an exotic sphere.

Angelegt am 07.11.2017 von Anja Böckenholt
Geändert am 08.11.2017 von Anja Böckenholt
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