Julia Moudden

Advanced Programming Techniques in MATLAB

Friday, 17.03.2017 10:00 im Raum M 4

Mathematik und Informatik

Dear All, University of Muenster and MathWorks invite you to the seminar /"Advanced Programming Techniques in MATLAB "/ with Loren Shure. She is one of the most senior developers of MATLAB. Loren has worked at MathWorks for 30 years and co-authored several MathWorks products including the design of the MATLAB language. *Advanced Programming Techniques in MATLAB * -17. März 2017 -10:00 – 13:15 Uhr -Universität Münster, Hörsaal M4, FB Mathematik und Informatik, Einsteinstr. 64, 48149 Münster *Agenda & Registration: www.mathworks.de/muenster *** *Details* In this Master Class, Loren Shure will illustrate and explore the usage and benefits of MATLABs’ various capabilities for different scenarios. Participants learn how to apply capabilities to get a more robust and maintainable code. Loren Shure also demonstrates how to most efficiently program in MATLAB to solve various problems. Participants have the opportunity to discuss MATLAB-specific questions during this Master Class and benefit from Loren Shures’ extensive MATLAB experience. Registration is strongly suggested as seating is limited. This session is held in English. For further information, please contact Stephan Sieben at MathWorks. Kind regards Stephan Sieben MathWorks PS: Long time since you used MATLAB? Learn MATLAB interactively, at your own pace with our free Onramp course: https://matlabacademy.mathworks.com/

Angelegt am 10.02.2017 von Julia Moudden
Geändert am 10.02.2017 von Julia Moudden
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