Sandra Huppert

Oberseminar Differentialgeometrie: Renan Assimos (Universität Hannover), Vortrag: Remarks on the generalised Calabi-Yauproblem in higher codimension

Monday, 29.04.2024 16:00 im Raum SRZ 214

Mathematik und Informatik

Abstract: By introducing a more flexible notion of convexity, we obtain a new Omori-Yau maximum principle for harmonic maps. In the spirit of the Calabi-Yau conjectures, this principle is more suitable for studying the unboundedness of certain totally geodesic projections of minimal submanifolds of higher codimension. We further explore this maximum principle by applying it to conformal maps, harmonic maps into Cartan-Hadamard manifolds, as well as cone, wedge and halfspace theorems.

Angelegt am 07.03.2024 von Sandra Huppert
Geändert am 06.05.2024 von Sandra Huppert
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