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Regulations and Forms - M.A. Social Anthropology (from Winter Term 2022/23) :
Regulations and Forms - M.A. Social Anthropology (from Winter Term 2016/17) :
- Examination regulations for the M.A. Social Anthropology (01.07.2016)
- Prüfungsordnung für den M.A. Social Anthropology/Sozialanthropologie (01.07.2016)
- Zugangs- und Zulassungsordnung für den M.A. Social Anthropology (1.7.2016)
- Rules of admittance for the M.A. Social Anthropology (1.7.2016)
- Module Description MA Social Anthropology/Sozialanthropologie (from Winter Term 2016/17 onwards)
- Study Plan MA Social Anthropology/Sozialanthropologie (from Winter Term 2016/17 onwards)
- Zuordnungen der Teilleistungen zu den Modulen (Registrierungs-Nummern der Studienleistungen und Prüfungen in Quispos Wintersemester 16/17)
Regulations and Forms - M.A. Social Anthropology (from Winter Term 2012/13) :
Regulations and Forms - M.A. Social Anthropology (general)
Term Papers:
Master Thesis:
- Antrag zur Zulassung zur Masterarbeit/Request for admission for the MA-thesis (German version)
- Antrag zur Zulassung zur Masterarbeit/Request for admission for the MA-thesis (English version)
- Antrag auf Verlängerung der Bearbeitungszeit (German version)
- Application to Extend Deadline for Master’s Thesis (English version)
- Declaration of academic integrity for the MA-thesis by the Prüfungsamt
- Data usage after graduation
- Procedures for the registration and the submission of the MA-Thesis
Further Information: