Buch des Monats - März 2019
The TransAtlantic Reconsidered
hrsg. v. Charlotte A. Lerg, Susanne Lachenicht und Michael Kimmage
The Atlantic World in Crisis
Is the Atlantic World in a state of crisis? At a time when many political observers perceive indeed a crisis in transatlantic relations, critical evaluation of past narratives and frameworks in Transatlantic Relations and Atlantic History alike become crucial. This volume provides an academic foundation to critically assess the Atlantic World and to rethink transatlantic relations in a transnational and global perspective. The TransAtlantic Reconsidered brings together leading experts such as Harvard historians Charles S. Maier and Bernard Bailyn and former ERC scientific board member Nicholas Canny. All the scholars represented in this volume have helped to shape, re-shape, and challenge the narrative(s) of the Atlantic World and can thus (re-)evaluate its conceptual basis in view of historiographical developments and contemporary challenges.
Charlotte A. Lerg is Assistant Professor in American Cultural History and Transatlantic Studies at Ludwig-Maximilians University, Munich.
Susanne Lachenicht is Professor and Chair of Early Modern History at University of Bayreuth, Bavaria.
Michael Kimmage is Professor of History at The Catholic University of America, Washington, DC.
Sabine Haenni is associate professor in the Department of Theatre, Film, and Dance and in the American Studies Program at Cornell University.